yea so... guess what. I'm blogging again. This is called "flame yo bitch azz" for the simple fact that i don't care anymore. Last year we had someone tell us that we were only doing this to make fun of people. Well, we basically denied that. Stated we wanted to make home a better place. But WHY!? fuck HOME! Sony never did shit for me, Why help them gay azz mother fuckers? So heres what im implying. I'm Flamming every mother fucker like a "slam book" so this white bitch once called it in the past. Yea bitch thats RIGHT. Im clowning mother fuckers just because i fuckin Can! FUCK THAT! Being Nice gets you nowhere. Helping people gets you no Fucking where... being evil gets you unwanted attention. Fuck the unwanted part... i ignore it and keep doing me..
So who am i Flaming?? 1's a guy the other is a girl. This mother fucker named Justix. Lets just say i saw him in the fight night space today (which i did) and this is what a call one of those mother fuckers who got nothing better to do but rag on avatar cloths and what people got on. Ok so what people are n00bs. Thats fine, If i see a n00b im not going to talk shit to him cause he has on brown pants and a blue home shirt. Or not a chick cuz she got on the regular jeans the normal hair and red feet cloths. Nope... but this dude with the corny lines like
"step ya swag up" - Lol why do people use the word Swag? like its a real word. Its a LAZY way of saying "carry yourself a little better"
"get your cake up" on playstation 3????? dude... in this pic u look like the fuckin brawny guy and MR clean had gay sex and had your monkey azz.... Tf outtie here.
Who REALLY likes to ball on ps3 like seriously??? oh yeaaa this 1 kid i argued with. He had a female friend her psn was "NickiMinaj" something. I don't i just throw out the bitch has that psn. Like who really wants to be nicki?? anyway... My rant is why ball on the PS3????????????? who u trying to impress with your 49cent kicks and you 2 dollar outfit. ITS FUCKIN VIRTUAL. U can ball for less on secondlife... the fuc is with these playstation niggaz got them thinking they empowered with their chump change they find under they momma couch they can spend on virtual shit....
since when did sony allow these Marcus PSP wannabes come on home?? thats what ima call them "STEP YA GAME UP! MARCUS PSP!"
lol.... i mean damn Playstation life has become an actual existence. Thats horrible...
SoSe signin out... waves@ Deja... im bloggin again SEACREAST!