Thursday, November 25, 2010


This is inner pain... what is pain? Its a deep dark feeling noone can describe. Its causes grief. It causes discomfort. Its like life is so empty, you feel alone. Noone is there for you but its not the proper feeling because everyone is there for you. you seem to close who your real friends are and shut your self out of every social loop. You feel alone but you're honestly not alone. Then what is your complex? whats your issue? you have no answer or no idea, Wtf is going on... People ask and you just shut them out. Pain is a horrible feeling noone should endure. Pain is my worst enemy and i cannot get passed it. How long have i been under this rock? I've lost track of time. I cannot find myself to vent to anyone with people bitching. I cannot talk about anything or anyone because my opinion is of a realist. I think different than people. For instance, people who have true feelings will act out on things before they do it. I can't find myself to enjoy anything in life. I have everything possible. Nice cloths... car... places-es to go, roof over my head. Food.. plenty to eat... video games, Music, movies you name it i pretty much have it. Yet i feel so empty. I havent been myself in months.... whats wrong with me? Am i losing the will to live?? I think that conclusion will come soon when I'm found dead. I pray to god that doesn't happen but i hope for the best to get threw this...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Perme Ban

So, After month and months of hiatus and stayin away from home. Well my prim's cam true. I knew we where a target of Sony. They banned CJ's account for good because he was reported over a few times....when we set up a lil staged story. Thats lame as fuc! Its ok... im not going to get banned again cause im officially staying off home to mess with people. I'm on home to play video games...

I love games and im going to continue to only play games. I'm drifting off into the gamer reviewing more than dissing someone on here. I find dissing people to be fun at times untill they get butt hurt and take it serious.


I hav enothing to blogg about sept. I have access to DC Universe online Beta. Icey will be giving reviews on it soon. Look for it...