Thursday, September 20, 2012

so it starts...

everything feels different as i have totally givin peace to the playstation 3. i dont know rathet i will be doing second life.... xbox or any other rants, blogs, exposures or opinions. this blkg usta not give a fuck who it talks about. now theres some gay ass censoreship bullshit where we havta watch what we say and to about who. thanx to sony calling the police 2 years ago and threatening our freedom. that no longer matters. what matters to me at this very moment is fucking gaming. resident evil 6 in 1 week. assassins creed 3 following the american revolution. wwe 13 and its infamous attitude era theme. finally halo 4... i lm not going to be worried abojt pervs... losers... idiots or wankstas for a while.  happy gaming folks...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Its about time i blog.

<p>&lt;p&gt;hello people. its your favorite miss spelling bitch sose. haha its about that time where i find something to do with psn. i figured i shall depart. pack my bags... gets my shit together and move on. but before i go.... i just got 1 little bitch ass nigga i need to share with the world. now those of u who know that i stoped getting on home. i started running with a clan.... hold on let me fix my auto capitalization real fast on this phone. Ok... Lol so that was annoying not seeing my sentences not being capitalized. Now where was i? Yes oh and fuck u im not capitalizing my i's... Ok... Now i have not been gaming because i have been in a clan gaming. Recently i have no access to the internet thous the reason... I really have not been blogging or putting up videos. Ha like i blog anyway or even update my website for that matter. Well so i come on the ps3 from time to time tethering my phones internet to the ps3 to say hello to my people. Cause my account has a block i cant really join others games cause i have a strict nat.&nbsp; (network transmission address)&nbsp; ha so in my fav pool of clans mates i am who i am i dont back down from being told off. Fellow fuck of a clansmen decides he wants to test this theory as he always does but this time was no way i would give in to his period as i see him whinning like a bitch about everything.... From threatining to leave psn cause he lost his mic. Cmon now really dude?&nbsp; Now im not the one to really give a shit however this same guy praised me... Talked highly about how im his clan. Im such a good friend and how i have the right mind set that im a bad chick and thar rob is lucky to be by my side. Says he doesnt like when rob ignores me that he would treat me right. Even goes to say robs a pussy bitch sometimes for simpin out and not handling the clan right that hes leaving because of it. Then comes back in the next hour. Ha this same fuckball did all and said all and thats a quarter pounder with out the cheese that this dickhead has said to me. After all that we get into conversation as i was saying before i summed up his prior ass kissing... That borderlands 2 is pointless... Which is my opinion i played part 1. He says otherwise but has to tell me to shut up in the form of im a fuck up  in life... Lol really i thought i was the best nigga lol now im a fuck up... Ha... Then it went from ima fuck up to.... I dont exist to u. Yea really bitch  haha the thing is becauze im font whoopin yo ass i gotta act like ur in kindergarten and say i dont exist to u? After all the nights i stayed up listenin to yo bitch ass whine about life and told u it was ok to express ur feelins and u responding with im the best chic u evr met . Listenin to how u mad yo brother cant get his money and u broke n shit strugglin whinnin about it?  i swear bitch ass niggas bit they self n the ass when they talk about themself. Rule number 1 never talk about what hurts u to someone then tell them they dont exist to u.  Funny thing is... Lisa doesnt even care u deleted her. Fact is dont havta feel guilty about listening to u whine like a 4 year old girl and then act hard later... U phony nigga.... And sose fucking told u. Im tired of being this bitch but im also not gonna.let hos try to spread they stds to me.... Keep ya bitchassness on that side of the world.     Nothing more to say... Besides i wont miss u psn...  But as i wrote this blog i felt the need to stay and possibly keep writing blogs like this... Feels good. :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time to set things straight

Melly you want to come on here talking shit about ppl. Let's keep it real here. Miss I'm to shy to talk on mic on playstation. But you can get on the web and do shows for strangers. That don't even sound right. Something is fishy there. As, we all know pics on playstation home don't mean shit. The internet has many pictures to choose from. I am not the only one that thinks this about you just so you know that. I mean I'm just goin to keep this real like i always do. I don't play those games. I have spoken with quite a few people that know you and no one has heard you ever talk on mic you get peoples numbers just to text you don't even talk to them on the phone. You want to come on here running your font well this is what happens. What did you expect coming on this site talking shit about the person that runs it. So what is it that you are truly hiding your manly voice you don't want people to know you are really a man?

Thing is I really don't care if you are a man or not. But what i don't like is how you try to play with people. If you are a man with a female avi let it be known. You have now done to of my closest friends wrong. What female tells her "man" to get on the ground because she has to pee? I mean really more and more i thought about things you say which is "manly things" and everything else. My true conclusion is you are a fucking DUDE!

bitch please

seriously? mell you just blatenly wrote a blog about the owner of the blogg about how i so called blew u off? are you sick in the fucking head?  yes i said your name because not only did i tell u my situation about me not having the internet... getting into legal trouble... and my phone not staying connected to the internet you said  "oh" like u didnt even give a shit. right now... girl im using my damn phone to blog because i still dont have the net. my aunt cut it off so we cant use it. bitch bought her a mifi so she can use internet and the rest of us cant. i sat up and told u about my rl problems and this is how u do me?   u go on my fuckin blog and air me out  about how i blew u off when the fact of the matter is bitch... my sentence started off with im sorry. now its fuck you... fuck ur life... fuck ur existance ...fuck the bitch that had u. i have no remorse for this bull shit u jus pulled. for the simple factt that i told you sorry before hand. u can stay on this blog if u want idc... but i know for fact ur going to bitch out and never wanna talk to me again and trust me im prepared. you need to appologize to me as i appologized to u before hand...then after not only did u pull a selfish act by seemingly not giving a fuck... u came to my blog and assured u didnt give a fuck about my "excuses" be true about ur shit mell. ur mad selfish. end of rant...

sose is bloggin on a phone with a ps3 keypad bitches... im out.