Melly you want to come on here talking shit about ppl. Let's keep it real here. Miss I'm to shy to talk on mic on playstation. But you can get on the web and do shows for strangers. That don't even sound right. Something is fishy there. As, we all know pics on playstation home don't mean shit. The internet has many pictures to choose from. I am not the only one that thinks this about you just so you know that. I mean I'm just goin to keep this real like i always do. I don't play those games. I have spoken with quite a few people that know you and no one has heard you ever talk on mic you get peoples numbers just to text you don't even talk to them on the phone. You want to come on here running your font well this is what happens. What did you expect coming on this site talking shit about the person that runs it. So what is it that you are truly hiding your manly voice you don't want people to know you are really a man?
Thing is I really don't care if you are a man or not. But what i don't like is how you try to play with people. If you are a man with a female avi let it be known. You have now done to of my closest friends wrong. What female tells her "man" to get on the ground because she has to pee? I mean really more and more i thought about things you say which is "manly things" and everything else. My true conclusion is you are a fucking DUDE!