seriously? mell you just blatenly wrote a blog about the owner of the blogg about how i so called blew u off? are you sick in the fucking head? yes i said your name because not only did i tell u my situation about me not having the internet... getting into legal trouble... and my phone not staying connected to the internet you said "oh" like u didnt even give a shit. right now... girl im using my damn phone to blog because i still dont have the net. my aunt cut it off so we cant use it. bitch bought her a mifi so she can use internet and the rest of us cant. i sat up and told u about my rl problems and this is how u do me? u go on my fuckin blog and air me out about how i blew u off when the fact of the matter is bitch... my sentence started off with im sorry. now its fuck you... fuck ur life... fuck ur existance ...fuck the bitch that had u. i have no remorse for this bull shit u jus pulled. for the simple factt that i told you sorry before hand. u can stay on this blog if u want idc... but i know for fact ur going to bitch out and never wanna talk to me again and trust me im prepared. you need to appologize to me as i appologized to u before hand...then after not only did u pull a selfish act by seemingly not giving a fuck... u came to my blog and assured u didnt give a fuck about my "excuses" be true about ur shit mell. ur mad selfish. end of rant...
sose is bloggin on a phone with a ps3 keypad bitches... im out.