So I switched jobs to one that would let me be at home every night. Honestly I hated being away from my baby. I kinda missed my husband too sometimes. I make less money but more mommy time and thats just fine by me. Plus sex with strange men just looses its appeal after like the 12th one. Anyhoo........more time at home has strangely transformed into less time online. Contrary to popular belief I am in fact still alive. Crazy huh? Not on the web and still breathing??? How unhuman of me!!! me. I do miss somethings about online tho...and those things have transferred in to my real life. When I was on a plane going to New Jersey I remember thinking "I sure hope we don't get hit by a stinger"........or sometimes if I'm in a conversation thats boring the ovaries out of my vagina I'll look for the mute option. Rarely is it visible. Hell......sometimes I'll be listening to the radio and I think about how the song would look in Rockband, finger motions and all. God I miss sitting at home not doing anything. Ain't nothing better than free money until the free money sits down next to you and develops its own PS3 addition because the stupid free money's job laid him o..........errr....I mean the free money wasn't so free. The free money wants day time sex and cooked food at weird hours like 6pm and wants to go out with you and your friends because it has nothing better to do. Stupid free money. Then I start working again so the free money decides he doesn't feel like a man so it goes out and gets a job better than me so now the free money wears the pants!!!!! HOW DARE HE!!......... I mean it!! If I'm gonna give up mid-evening sex I rather do it sans the day at work. /Rant
Peace Up, A-Town Down, Seacreast OUT!!!
The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Cams and Mics
Cams and Mics
So What i don't Understand about playstation home... is why do Guys sign on and get defensive when you ask what their reasoning for asking a girl if she has a cam and a mic?? For instance today i was on home standin on the bench watchin a movie on xbox. Ya kno just chillan and i get this message...

... Wtf... ok you have a mic and cam? now with my mood this morning i went off on this dude. I asked him nicely wtf he ask me that bullshit for? (contradiction) Boy did this wasted fuck make it worse by tellin me it was just a question and that he lives with his girl... ok hmmmm.... PEOPLE, PEOPLE!! come on....
Seriously lets all ask ourselves this question. If u were living with someone. Whats the reason to even consider using home as a reference to cam or mic someone of the opposite sex. Ok from a womans perspective. Lets think logical. If your boyfriend was sittin on his playstation or vise versa u were sitting on your ps3 ladies and you ask to cam other guys. Wouldn't that mean that you are a.... not satisfied with something that your man is not giving you so u are lookin for other options. fellas same thing... you guys do it to fill in that gap in your relationship. 2. you wannna feel all macho or big pimptress and just see what you can get on the side. 3. You really just have no respect. 4. You wanna fuck around while u're bored.....
Those options i can agree with tha final 1 and respect it. Hell if anyone was real i can respect all options as long as you're honest' But when ur a lyin piece of shit like this guy who lives with his girl and sits on his ps3 lookin for chicks to mic and cam. like i wonder if he pay the bills in the house and where was she on a saturday morning?? like i hope she aint takin care of this bum azz nigga while he doin this bulllshit. after all PSN is Free so he has free range to use Home as his playground as long as she is payin the cable or DSL bill right? what a mother fuckin loser!! case closed pussy!
So What i don't Understand about playstation home... is why do Guys sign on and get defensive when you ask what their reasoning for asking a girl if she has a cam and a mic?? For instance today i was on home standin on the bench watchin a movie on xbox. Ya kno just chillan and i get this message...
... Wtf... ok you have a mic and cam? now with my mood this morning i went off on this dude. I asked him nicely wtf he ask me that bullshit for? (contradiction) Boy did this wasted fuck make it worse by tellin me it was just a question and that he lives with his girl... ok hmmmm.... PEOPLE, PEOPLE!! come on....
Friday, May 7, 2010
Classic Day!
So!! you may ask am i going to Bash someone today. No i gotta Say today was a CLASSIC SoSe DAY! FINaLLY!!!!!
For my 1st Order of PLaystation Home WeirdNess... i declare MARRIAGE Counseling!!
well... engagement counseling... well... relationship. OH What EVER! ok heres what happens. I'm sitting on home minding me and you all kno me. I jump in someone conversation. This chick says her her "man" does she look good?? Ha! i jumped in and all i said was "no" and she Got OFFENDEDDDDDDDD LOL!
Not only That she just Jumped all over Me. Just talkin mad shit. Just "bitch shut yo lonely ass up you mad cuz you aint got a man and blah blah blah" im like ya!? this is playstation home bitch i didnt sign on here to PSdate noone. The Fuc u talkin about? She's goin off talkin about, "i know my man in real life and we got a baby...." K ho... TMI!? i dont care???? Well from there they start bickering talkin about how much i love them and what-not cause we are in central plaza claimin i was following them. I really wasnt...Free area i can go where i want.

Wow they kinda look retarded in this pic. Ok so after they go on with the bickering about me folllowin n shit they got to talkin about marriage and i just SO happen to catch the guy say he's not ready to get married on game or in Real life... (i died laughin at ON GAME) lol! thats when they started tellin everyone their business about how they live n 2 diff states they do have a child (i guess) and he's in the navy. Thats cool, I hope but the Fact of her attitude was god awful. i mean she stormed offffff when he said that. Then we tried talking to him reasoning with him. Saying he shouldn't of done that in public... well... She Came up to us seen me him and lins talking and she just said something like "oh you over here cakin these bitches but you cant make it up with me" something like that. Storms the fuck off... i laughed again!. ii ended up tellin her i was trying to help and that i just asked him whats wrong and she shouldnt of done that. Made it worse for her. Well she appologized to me and then all i know after that was i tried to reason with her but they both got emo and sat on diff sides of the Plaza LITERALLY! What i didnt get was at 1st i was the lonely bitch and the hater... then next thing i know i was being thanked for asking her man why he didnt wanna marry her.... hmmmmm Playstation home has plenty of drama! and you know what I LIKE IT!!
At the end of that big ol thing of laughter

This Guy.... MilkyMike. What can i say? at 1st i thought he was a fuckin loser just tryna mack chicks on home the way he was talkin to us. It was mad funny. He sayin "ask about me im mikey from Philly they call me Face!" like seriously? they call you face? like... ok?? thats intimidating... yea right. He begged for lins and i to see his myspace and i really didnt look for the sake of laughter but if i would of i probably would of put it on blast here. So thank god i didnt cause i would of humiliated this dude.

Turns out after i sent him away and being rude to him. I ended up talkn to him and he told me he has a gf and a baby girl and that he was just chillin while his daughter is asleep. That i could respect. Any father who Games while their child is sleeping to get a break. Hell any Father who takes care of their children for that matter. So Mikey big ups You're ok with me. just dont get out of line...
Theres my Normal blog again from the past... Classic SoSe... At its best. I love bloggin things like this and im going to do more...Stay tuned. The Bitch is out and i wont STOP TILL I GET MY STRONG HOLD BACK!
For my 1st Order of PLaystation Home WeirdNess... i declare MARRIAGE Counseling!!
well... engagement counseling... well... relationship. OH What EVER! ok heres what happens. I'm sitting on home minding me and you all kno me. I jump in someone conversation. This chick says her her "man" does she look good?? Ha! i jumped in and all i said was "no" and she Got OFFENDEDDDDDDDD LOL!
Wow they kinda look retarded in this pic. Ok so after they go on with the bickering about me folllowin n shit they got to talkin about marriage and i just SO happen to catch the guy say he's not ready to get married on game or in Real life... (i died laughin at ON GAME) lol! thats when they started tellin everyone their business about how they live n 2 diff states they do have a child (i guess) and he's in the navy. Thats cool, I hope but the Fact of her attitude was god awful. i mean she stormed offffff when he said that. Then we tried talking to him reasoning with him. Saying he shouldn't of done that in public... well... She Came up to us seen me him and lins talking and she just said something like "oh you over here cakin these bitches but you cant make it up with me" something like that. Storms the fuck off... i laughed again!. ii ended up tellin her i was trying to help and that i just asked him whats wrong and she shouldnt of done that. Made it worse for her. Well she appologized to me and then all i know after that was i tried to reason with her but they both got emo and sat on diff sides of the Plaza LITERALLY! What i didnt get was at 1st i was the lonely bitch and the hater... then next thing i know i was being thanked for asking her man why he didnt wanna marry her.... hmmmmm Playstation home has plenty of drama! and you know what I LIKE IT!!
At the end of that big ol thing of laughter
This Guy.... MilkyMike. What can i say? at 1st i thought he was a fuckin loser just tryna mack chicks on home the way he was talkin to us. It was mad funny. He sayin "ask about me im mikey from Philly they call me Face!" like seriously? they call you face? like... ok?? thats intimidating... yea right. He begged for lins and i to see his myspace and i really didnt look for the sake of laughter but if i would of i probably would of put it on blast here. So thank god i didnt cause i would of humiliated this dude.
Turns out after i sent him away and being rude to him. I ended up talkn to him and he told me he has a gf and a baby girl and that he was just chillin while his daughter is asleep. That i could respect. Any father who Games while their child is sleeping to get a break. Hell any Father who takes care of their children for that matter. So Mikey big ups You're ok with me. just dont get out of line...
Theres my Normal blog again from the past... Classic SoSe... At its best. I love bloggin things like this and im going to do more...Stay tuned. The Bitch is out and i wont STOP TILL I GET MY STRONG HOLD BACK!
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