Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bet Nobody Saw This Coming................

So I switched jobs to one that would let me be at home every night. Honestly I hated being away from my baby. I kinda missed my husband too sometimes. I make less money but more mommy time and thats just fine by me. Plus sex with strange men just looses its appeal after like the 12th one. Anyhoo........more time at home has strangely transformed into less time online. Contrary to popular belief I am in fact still alive. Crazy huh? Not on the web and still breathing??? How unhuman of me!!! me. I do miss somethings about online tho...and those things have transferred in to my real life. When I was on a plane going to New Jersey I remember thinking "I sure hope we don't get hit by a stinger"........or sometimes if I'm in a conversation thats boring the ovaries out of my vagina I'll look for the mute option. Rarely is it visible. Hell......sometimes I'll be listening to the radio and I think about how the song would look in Rockband, finger motions and all. God I miss sitting at home not doing anything. Ain't nothing better than free money until the free money sits down next to you and develops its own PS3 addition because the stupid free money's job laid him o..........errr....I mean the free money wasn't so free. The free money wants day time sex and cooked food at weird hours like 6pm and wants to go out with you and your friends because it has nothing better to do. Stupid free money. Then I start working again so the free money decides he doesn't feel like a man so it goes out and gets a job better than me so now the free money wears the pants!!!!! HOW DARE HE!!......... I mean it!! If I'm gonna give up mid-evening sex I rather do it sans the day at work. /Rant

Peace Up, A-Town Down, Seacreast OUT!!!