My friend CJ. He's Cool and good to me. This time Money crossed the line and got himself banned.
Arguing with CJ over me in central plaza. What an azzhole. Money if you see this, Yea i Am pissed at you. You're an idiot. I asked you to stop all night. You sent me messages, We fussed and fight. And its getting annoying. Not to mention all of your friends are thinking they slick trying to get with my cousin my best friend and my home girls.
Yes... thats right, a Male group of avatars started a click around me and im letting you guys know im aware. It seem like a Anti sose group or a Male groupie group. I have no idea but im keeping my eye on you guys. Kellz Seems to be getting mighty attracted to Ant over there tho. Shark is in love with Avii and so is Twisted. How's that going to work?
heres who i seen so far joined:
no apologiez
And a couple of other Unknown azz nikkaz.
I mean its hard to be me on PShome when you got guys who actually become friends and click up around me. I'm just hopping is a click thats with me and not againts me. I just know myself and my friends are watching.
Exposal: Franzine
Look i keep hearing about this Chick, i dont know her at all but i know of her. I heard she sends out pix of some skinny chinesse chick. In actuality she's black, obesse and has nothing better to do but get on pshome flirt with guys and try to get them on cam when she has a bf. How sad is this?? i don't know but im getting to the bottem of it Real Soon!
Lame ass:Lancemanly
Yea i told you i was posting you. I saw this lame get on the server and run around an harass people calling them nerds because he/she/it has nothing better to do then to dress up a dirty avatar and mess with people. Watch out for this lame. His jokes are corny and he's very contradicting. He says "i dont get on home to be a nerd" Yet you are on home saying stupid comments and dressing up trying to talk about people because of your own lame life. Go somewhere loser...
Lame azz: Persian
Lame azz: KillaCrew
Same as the above. Sept this guy was trying to dance in front of girls and say he was gettin "head". RIGHT! So i decided to exchange words with this loser and he told me how sexy he was and how he's a model. Well, if you're a model... then Wtf you doin on PSHome pretending to hump girls faces for? That makes no sense. You're supposed to be this pretty boy shouldn't you be laid back? shouldn't girls come to you? why he beg me to see his cam? i don't know. Why he beg Avii to talk to him? i don't know... Why did my sister appear and he tried to talk to her? i don't know... wait... i do know.... BECAUSE HE's A LOSER!! If you are such a pretty boy why act an azz on home to get attention from girls? Make sense guys please...
New Video: These 2 dancin in sync. So nice i had to Catch it on video enjoy.
Thanx loves, happy people enjoy my blog and my youtube.
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