D Money.... Yea you're right. I got another 1. You're a victim. Just like the rest. Remember when you first met me. I tried to warn you over and over, you wouldn't listen. You just had to get with sose right? why cause she's the best and baddiest chick on home? nahh cause you like a challenge. How pathetic. I'm a Challenge huh? No D money is actually 1 of those cry babies...."lisa show me some attention wah wah wah" But then goes and talks to other women. Its totally TY144. Are all Guys like this on PSHome. i Suppose so.... heres what he sennt Me after the Arcade drop...
Lets see the other BS he Said... Shall we...
Damn is this the Second Guy who said this to me??? Sure it... Looks like he dont wanna play home no more... BOOO WHOOOO
Yea Well, besides that. This Dood thinks he's all that and all my friends think he's pics is buttnasty. I have no comment on his pix don't ask me. Irregaurdless, For the record Dmoney, David whatever you wanna be called. Yea I watched you. Recorded you and showed you no attention because everything else was more important than you lame, wack, self centered personality. D money is Done... Ask about sose the'll tell ya ima animal! RAWR!
heres the Arcade Drop video... ENJOY!!
Lame Alert!: Calibabe
English Teachers on HOME BEWEAR!
See These 3. I got into a Text/Font War with them. all they could do was Correct my spelling and grammar. I just wowed, I mean seriously off Topic here people; when you have to resort to peoples grammar to insult them because you assume that they aren't very bright, just because of the way they talk or type is not only ignorant, but its also just down right retarded. Not to mention its showing lack of your character, because you can't think of anything better. You have to insult someone's typo's. Get Real, since when did this become cool? I've only seen nerdy kids do this. What i mean by nerdy, I mean the "chill bro" type. Kids got nothing better to do. Why? because you verbally tear them apart. Its a shame. Kids like that usually got beat up with the Kick ball at Recess.
This lonely kid would not leave me alone. All because i wouldn't talk to him. I ignored him, he still followed me around. How cute.
Look. When you get on PSHome. You see these people i post. JUST RUN! FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. SAVE YOURSELF THE DRAMA!
A Riot!!
Look Avii... im sorry. The show was cool and all but noone wants to watch ricky lake on PSHome. Then watch chat boxes at that. I needed to make something YOUTUBE able... so i DID. I STARTED A RIOT! ENJOY!!!