Well Before i get into this second life Bullshit... I just want to say, I am returning back to playstation home where i belong. I had so much Fun on Home cause SL felt like i was in highschool with a bunch of Grown ass children. Fuckin pussies...
Let me tell you about my amazin home experience. 1st Cj and i meet this chick she was weird... i mean just look
She looks very.... lol... i just laughed my azz off. Me and her started dissing each other... bickering, ya know... having a intellectual debate with insults...
She had on a Sun dress for criss sake with... Wrestling boots. Lol!! haha i couldnt help it!
look at them effin boots!!!
Anway... Me and her became real cool, started dissing other people. She thought CJ was serious when he was gettin on her. Got to know her a lil better and she became 1 of the coolest people i've ever met on home. They say... never judge a book by its cover and yea. God was right on this 1. Strife you are very down to earth, we can hang out all the time mija... you go stomp on them losers with ya boots girl! lol!
Did I mention. I saw Jexy for the 1st time on home in about 8 months!! I love you JEX!!!
Moving on i Meet this guy...named Swagg onpoint something like that. in CP, he began to hit on me. told me he wanted me to go to his place. I only added him and i told him well maybe we can hang out. When i get back on, By the looks of his PSN tho... lol i thought and i straight told him. "yoooo i know u made that psn just for home cuz mannnnnnn i can't see you playing modern warfare with that psn." i Mean really WHO really goes to war with their swag on?
look@ this banana in pajamma lookin azz dude...
he came up to us with comments about he the best and whatnot. pretty much a Social grief. Like funny thing is this nigga had on "ell o ell smilly face" shirt with some fuckin yellow bunny slippers... yea, most dumbiest.....not most hated pal. keep the wal-mart shirt to yaself on home.---------
So back to my Second life Rant.... BITCH ASS NESS. I love it, i embrace it, i charish that shit. Ya know why? cause Second life is full of OLD people. Not including the people that mean something to me. The people who are full of bitchassness. HOW THE FUCK are you over 30 years old, being a social fucking nightmare ??? i thought we was done with that shit since AOL. o wait... is that where the AOL lames went? second life? Haha, Poochy denzel... certified bitchass old man. He thinks im my brother. Again, we posted a video, i showed my face, i talked on it. Brother even admited he was on my account. So he feels the need to attack me or my brother, say my avii has a man behind it? even if it does... WE are still laughin at your OLD ASS claiming ur a music producer but you DJ on SL.... nigga please. Find a real life. No real life producer spends his time looking at pixelated tits on a Social avatar world, Cause its not a GAME folks. Most you old fucks are confused. A Game is a competition. Just like playstation home is not a Game. Its a 3d social gaming network... lets define the word game shall we....

A game is a structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out forremuneration, and from art, which is more concerned with the expression of ideas. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong solitaire).
Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform aneducational, simulational or psychological role. According to Chris Crawford, the requirement for player interaction puts activities such as jigsaw puzzles and solitaire "games" into the category of puzzles rather than games.[1]
Attested as early as 2600 BC,[2][3] games are a universal part of human experience and present in all cultures. The Royal Game of Ur, Senet, and Mancala are some of the oldest known games.[4]
Now with that said. I don't see where Secondlife is considered a game. I Don't play games on SL, I use an avatar, an
avi is a representation of something else or even yourself. In this case SoSe is my Character, and That she is... I am
Character and so is she. Who am i? You've seen both ice and i on youtube? why must you fucks bring it beyond the
avii? well maybe because you feel we are a threat to you whole internet importance. LOL! it makes me smile when a
40+ old man whine and cry on second life. Put out SoSe's business out on DJ sessions because he obviously is A.
Butt hurt... B.. Cares..... C....lol C doesn't even matter because the fact is. Pooch you are wasting your time. Thank
you for the publicity! i needed it! shout me out some more on your lil DJ session LOL!
all you are doin is empowering me, My brother, my friends and my fans... you are a 40 plus year old wanna be DJ
pixel tittie
jacking off on a fucking Fantasy world cause your real life has nothing to offer, and all i can do for you is LAUGH
MY FUCKING ASS OFF! Mean time im young, in school and im making something of myself. Good luck with your
production deals in the future old man. If you even get 1...
Sose Project for FUCKING EVER! rated Fuckin U!
When I see an album with you as the producer then come talk my level. Till then...