Now the song... look atcha is playing... Look atcha Pooch You look like a BITCH! lol! anyway... Why do we sign on playstation and ask these few questions? is it the extent of our brains? seriously,
"Hello, Where are you from?"
Ladies i know this is a L1 or a R1 preset on the controller but, How many times do we get this Question? even if its "wur u from ma?" its still annoying as Fuck. This is what i do now. They ask and my response is "does it matter?" and for some unknown fuckin reason... the guy BRAIN FARTS and walks away... like lol???? ok so now that i said or asked does it matter? they have nothing else to say... 1 guy responded with "just making conversation" i repsonded with... well why couldn't you ask something else?.... he walked away! lol!. Is it some type of dumbassness i dont know about? Fuck. Like do you have to know where im from? why? you coming to my house? if so bring me a fuckin cheese cake with a autograph from Diddy....
I really want an answer to this. i have yet to meet a guy to change up his game and try to ask something else. What they do is seriously just beyond fucking me. Sometimes i Rather just get a "hey baby wanna fuck!?" so i can be like no. and they can so ok then walk away. Why are you asking me where am i from? I know im ranting like i wouldnt ask the same question but i believe maybe you should get to know someone first before you get all inquisitive about where im from. Its what i do. I find out what you like ya know... what games you play then i ask maybe your age and where u from. Your age because i want to know how mature you are. And where you're from to determine ur mentality. Every city in america has its own spice of music/movies and entertainment Thats the only reason i ask. To see if im able to be compatible with your interest. Im from Cali. entertainment capitol... Los Angeles. Only other place is Florida... So were here are exposed to almost everything. Hmmmm well thats all i got for today. I'm going to sit back and wonder how im going to fuck up Pooch's Second life cause im empowered like that. Fuck you You haters... matter fact i love my haters cause without you. It wouldnt be Me. Muahz... sose is the fuck out...