Yes first off every1, the B-I-T-C-H is back and yes has been on a very long vacation. In that time I've continued to take ya'll perverted asses money when you showed your weaknesses. I've stayed in touch with all my homies and home-girls, dated ugh Jennever but lets not even go that direction (back on track), but at the end of the day I get on my XBOX360 and kick it wit good old RATED UNBLOCKABLE. Now I had to let ya'll know M&M's is officially back, and regardless of what direction this site goes, mothafuckers you know damn better as to think that MirceaMonroe was gonna change for anyone. I will still continue to slam you bitches ,like a nasty ass tampon that needs to be flushed. We play more games than ya'll and still have time in our lives to raise and support our families, and you continue to call us the losers while you still sit there night after night in your parents house wishing you made a better decision for yourself back in High School. I'm always down for the entertainment part of the site, but for some reason you motherfukas with no sense of humor cant see, this is something to enjoy and not cry about, like this was your last date you got stood up on.
We know how to have fun, if ya'll want to argue that, why not try us out and play a game wit us instead of crying bout it cause you know we will just mash you hard on any game you come at us with. CGM all the way bitch.
Ok anyways on that note, give up looking for me if your looking for the blond hair blue eyed bitch on PsHome, Mircea is officially gone brunette and is more of a bitch than yall can ever imagine. So to all my haters plz, just plz hit me up on the ps3, DO NOT hit me up on the sose project website cause I will ignore you, unless you come at me on the ps3 "psn" is MirceaMonroe. I'm officially back so watch you back lol pffft.
And on that note peace out and fuck you anyways. Rated U and CGM. M&M's out.