Wednesday, March 30, 2011

comment groupie love

I'm so sorry i don't love you...

Well yea i "Wrote a eHarmony" blogg according to the asian kid named jasmin angel. Ya i got the info on you. The fact that you come here anonoymous to talk about dicks is hilarious. Whatever.


So i was told to blog cause i have a friend who is some what good to me. Leaves me a lot on psn... but its all good. Running the lions den on sL is hardwork. Getting these dJ schedules going. Trying to get people our music is hard was well. You gotta feel it... like i do. I love my CJ and i love his music. We got so turned up on youtube almost to 1k... Im feelin that. To my lover who secretly loves me and wants me to have a big dick that he can suck... I will try to grow 1 for you baby. then im going to stick my dick deep down ur throat so u can enjoy the succulent flavors of sose... those juices flowing down ur throat as ur being gaged like a ho... keep commenting. I just love it...


Really i have nothing to blog LOL im just jotting down bullshit... currently just staring at the psn Xmb lookin at the friendslist thinking absolutely nothing to myself.... getting bored as im writing.. wanting to kill shit. and i dont really play DC universe online anymore... i just watch. Ice does :) complicated game yo....

anny or u ok? or u OK anny? im going insane... wtf