Hello everyone! Thanks for taking a little bit of time to read my very first blog. I've never done this before, and I'm far from an expert. Anyway, I wanted to discuss the way males and females approach each other on PSH. It's very odd in my opinion I guess as to how we speak to one another. As a male you log into PSH and NO ONE talks to you. When it comes to starting a conversation or even speaking to other males and you're a male sometimes for a few people it could feel a bit awkward or a bit uncomfortable. When it shouldn't matter at all. It's like the feel, if they try to talk to another male avatar on PSH it's gay. Or they think it's kind of odd like why are you speaking to me instead of a girl? That's kind of how PSH makes some people feel. Girls have it a bit different they can go up to another girl and be like "Hi, I like the avatar" and innate a conversation with someone of the same gender. The part that makes it a bit bothersome is how some of the guys approach the girl, and how some of the girls react to the girls.
Some approach with a simple "Hi. How are you?" Others will say "Hi, baby how old are you?" or ect. While the women will sometimes either ignore and move their avatar away from the guy in the INFAMOUS outfit, but nope he doesn't give up. You're a female and your avatar is cute, or alluring in someways he's stalking your ass. You move away he follows you as if you were prey, and he's hunting you. That's the type of shit that makes it bothersome for girls on PSH at times. There is also a reverse side, you have the bitches who will come into a sever/channel or whatever and strike a got damn model pose. So, everyone or at least enough for people to notice her. What happens? Lot's of males move towards her and surrounded her as if she was a goddess. Knowing damn well it's just some ugly bitch in real life, but right now they are focused all on her. The way a person act, or dresses on PSH may or may not be who they truely are, but if you know what you're doing or how you're acting don't be fucking suprised by the response. You know you're going to be hounded by guys when you come in don't act like you didn't know by how you dressed your avatar. Guys same thing. You know you're not getting anything by being a bitch and private messaging the girl saying you want to trade pictures or saying some dumb ass shit like "Will you marry me?"
PSH is supposed to be what? A social network where people can hang out, meet people, talk about games and ect, but now every little space I go I see the same hoe ass person dropping the same shit as the previous. You stand there and wait for conversation instead of going to make one, because you're afraid of rejection or worried about how they will accept you. Does it really matter? Can you honestly say you really want to be accepted by people on PSH? Quite possibly hell yeah, because you got on there in the first damn place to what? Make friends, to chat to get to know people. But the fact is even depending on how you approach the person, the group, the clique or whatever. This is the internet there are some assholes all around. You can be nice all day, and still be rejected. There are a few people who are tolerant, there are some who actually care about how you feel or will take a moment to say high back or whatever, but when you turn off your PS3, and you wake up the next day. Will it even matter? I myself have met some bomb ass people on PSH, and my friends list is nearly full (Wish Sony would allow more friends) and out of everyone that's on that friends list there aren't a shit load of people I would consider a PSN buddy or even a real friend, if you need one. But, hey don't worry about it just keep going, and maybe you'll find some real cool girl or the funniest guy on PSN. Enjoy it, and take life one day at a time.