Hey people. I uploaded a video today, Just for those Who are HUNGRY for it, It's on Rated U's Youtube. I probably Wont be doing blogs for a While. I'm getting busy with school, I got LittleBigPlanet and not to mention im bored of Home. Im Now converting RealGunna's Video of him talking TRASH about capo. I just need it edited it to make it a Unraw video. Maybe commentated with voice overs i don't know. Im trying to figure a way to drop these video's that i have. Anyway, My people wanted to Announce that Rated U and Pro have merged into one. Why is this important to my blog? i have no fking clue, but its something about how popular my blog is becomming and how many people are waiting for me to drop lames. Pro has giving me permission to use their forum so users will be able to drop PSN names of lames that are on Playstation home. My exposal's fall into categories like: Lame, PSDater, Flamer(shit talker), Run-By Adders, The desperate, the "Hi-cam" (hi do you have a mic or cam!? wouldn u like to see my cam?). Rated U is my Network So here's Our links: - pro's website
Just a status on whats going on with the blog.
The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Friday, February 27, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
I Tried...
Scenario #1
I met JasmineAngel in central plaza. Me and Chris were laughing at her run away from lames trying to talk to her. they started to disrespect her. Knowing me I decided to jump to her defense. I spent a few mins verbally abusing 3 guys who kept trying to talk to her. They eventually fell back, she grew humbleness with me. She started telling people "im a worthy opponent" that she needs to battle me someday. I got offended quickly because i just helped this lil broad and she did nothing but said 2 or 3 sentences that was irrelevent and not funny at all. I did all the WORK! rightt...
Scenario #2
I noticed some clown named "daesin" was following me around.. Yea... When i got to the PSP hunt that night is where i found this nikka "apologiez" (previous post) Well we got into it there. Thats when Daesin shows up, he decides he wants to run his font. Thats when he mentions Jasmine is Queen of home and that she runs things. He then mentioned "Jasmine deleted you sose she thinks you are lame" Lol Wowww... I had no idea specially after i just owned nikkas for her. Her Excuse was she deleted me cause we didnt talk frequently. Didn't matter to me anyway Im not a fan or friend of jasmineangel who is this bia??
Scenario #3
Yea.... i had enough of Jasmine. I had someone catch up to her. I verbally abused her for an hour in the bowling alley. I watched her beg and plede for me to calm down. That Daesin was talking the crap and it wasn't her. Bull, anyway she kept thinking it was because she deleted me. No Jas its cause you ran your font about me. Saying i was lame when we never even spoke. At the end of my verball abuse she said "sose lets start over" i refused. Its whatever i don't like 2 faced broads...
Scenario #4
Once again Jasmine was running her Font to someone. So i had someone pull her pics for me. She said i was having or using Junmac to spy on her for me and that she did not trust him. 1st of all JUNMAC used to do wiered things to me. He's lucky he's even on my friendslist with the things he's done. He snooped around and found out what school i go to then told me he was going to show up in my dorm. I moved away i dont stay on campus anymore but good because junmac scared me half to death. Anyway back to the situation at hand. I caught up to her and we had a verbal outlet once again. It counts baby i owned you in central plaza. You started whining telling me you wanted to be cool and that its ANNOYING that We are equal... no no no baby. We are not equal. I am a special kind of girl, I play mind games and feed them to the public. Well now Chicken says She's going to observe me. Now telling people she's going to GET ME. HA! im waiting...
Exposal: JasmineAngel
Lets see. Chick you're a Asian/latina (witch asians and hispanics n the bay dont get along) from Oakland California... you claim you're on House arrest for attempted murder but you're about a BUCK 119... please What did you attempt to murder... hampsters?? GTFO! Daesin is allready exposed as a fake. lets see if u're Real chicka.
Lol i wasn't going to let this 1 slide anymore. I promised to get this lame. long ago. I WISH i can POST real pix. The bet was... If he was supposed to be some "hot guy" who gets all the chicks. He turned out to be some Drunk ugly ass white kid who lives in bars. He was a total loser in fact he sent some sheman Aeonflux after me. Her avatar looked like a damn guppy from the little mermaid. I told the bitch to go back to the sea with her fish looking self
Exposal: UptownMar
fkin loser...
An Open CASE...
I told Fynesse the same thing... im going to Openly Crush you two and i don't care if you know about it. Anyway, i was put threw hell for a week. I did miss a opportunity to record my 1st show when Chyna decided she wanted to cuss out money on the mic. FK!!!! for now on. Im keeping my recorder hooked up to my ps3. Moments like that should of been caught. That was the funniest night in a while on home. As far as this situation with me and money. I been basically trying to avoid him but he wont quit. I gave up. I decided to be his "home girl" lol thats what he wants. He got it, not to mention i continue to kick his ass in smackdown vs raw 2009. My friends on Xbox miss me and my brother I really need to get back into smackdown. Irregaurdless This dood is going to be fun to crush. Specially since he reads this blog LOL.
At the same time last night. I told fynesse i was going to bed with just my T. He got all excited and crims added on to it calling him a loser. He got butt-hurt cause i wouldnt go in private and cyber with him. I went to bed...
Like i said. Im Starting my recordings...Tonight. WATCH OUT, Watch What you Say to me too...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Clearing the Air
Hey people. I'm back for another random ass post. For the looks of things it looks like Jassmineangle is still going around PS home calling herself the Queen. Witch is rather lame. I ran into No Apologiez and we chopped it up and eventually cleared the Air with each other. We are now Cool i guess. He gave me info on Jas and Daesin. But it wasn't info i didn't already know. They are both lairs. Supposedly lives in the same house on the same ps3... Suspect.... Anyway. disregard My post about no apologiez i guess since we are cool now... everything ain't all so bad.
Case File# 7
D Money vs Fyness (PSN's not spelled correctly due to HATERS on my blog)

Now these two want me to pick who i Home date. So they been Fighting over me in central plaza. WTF... So i told them to separate let me choose. I kick it with 1 of them 1 at a time. For the Record They both have lame traits. Ness speaks gibberish bullshit rants. he likes to spit game with those tired nursery rhymes. Its not Cute, Matter fact is actually as funny as his pix. (his real 1s) Ness like to sit up and Tell you how great his swag is. He's from the bay so i expect this out of him. I'm pretty much bothered and Tired of him asking to come see me too. Blah....
Dmoney on the Other hand is sort of the same way with less of the "swag" talk he seems to be submissive. Doing as i Say, this guy told my friends he's really not going to Give up on me he gone keep trying till I'm his "home girl" lol. i keep shooting both these guys down. THEY WONT GIVE UP! D money also a lil arrogant but after the past few days, he started being humble. Now i don't know what to do... I'm STUCK. FK!
Lame List... Chow..
Yea... i found out if i haven't previously posted. Chow is a 13 yr old boy harassing me. D money seemed to punk him for me after a while. Some how he knew em. I'm starting to think someone Sent Dmoney to spy and play around with me. I'M not sure cause Money seems too nice. Anyway. Chow got owned he never messages me... follows me anymore none of that. So Wtf.... why was he asking about TY. And Why has TY been missing for more than 11 days? is he offline for good... or did he change his PSN!? i don't know...
Update: Real Gunna...Udell
Apparently he still up to his bullshit. I pretty much let it go so i really don't know what really going on besides he trying to pull chicks i know in. And Lie to them As usual. Udell is talking to Any RANDOM chick he can find in the mall. specially after he saw my blog about the Tgirl he talking to. "Sose i talked to her on the mic" lol please i seen people put girls on the mic for them. That's not a Girl. Gunna is talking to 2 chicks that i know of so far ill keep you posted on his crap.
Its basically been the most boring few Days. Everyone and their problems. My problems... Nikki... Avii's, Ria's, Kelli's, i mean it just wont stop. only person who is distant from problems is saku... We dealt with South... He seems to be aired out. So i really really don't know whats going on. What i do know is... my people still going after Realgunna. Jassmine is trying to step her foot in my yard and I'M dealing with Dmoney/Fyness SLOWLY. PSH is getting Lammer by the day. I'm about to Quit... go play Xbox when I'm Not studying
Case File# 7
D Money vs Fyness (PSN's not spelled correctly due to HATERS on my blog)
Now these two want me to pick who i Home date. So they been Fighting over me in central plaza. WTF... So i told them to separate let me choose. I kick it with 1 of them 1 at a time. For the Record They both have lame traits. Ness speaks gibberish bullshit rants. he likes to spit game with those tired nursery rhymes. Its not Cute, Matter fact is actually as funny as his pix. (his real 1s) Ness like to sit up and Tell you how great his swag is. He's from the bay so i expect this out of him. I'm pretty much bothered and Tired of him asking to come see me too. Blah....
Dmoney on the Other hand is sort of the same way with less of the "swag" talk he seems to be submissive. Doing as i Say, this guy told my friends he's really not going to Give up on me he gone keep trying till I'm his "home girl" lol. i keep shooting both these guys down. THEY WONT GIVE UP! D money also a lil arrogant but after the past few days, he started being humble. Now i don't know what to do... I'm STUCK. FK!
Lame List... Chow..
Update: Real Gunna...Udell
Apparently he still up to his bullshit. I pretty much let it go so i really don't know what really going on besides he trying to pull chicks i know in. And Lie to them As usual. Udell is talking to Any RANDOM chick he can find in the mall. specially after he saw my blog about the Tgirl he talking to. "Sose i talked to her on the mic" lol please i seen people put girls on the mic for them. That's not a Girl. Gunna is talking to 2 chicks that i know of so far ill keep you posted on his crap.
Its basically been the most boring few Days. Everyone and their problems. My problems... Nikki... Avii's, Ria's, Kelli's, i mean it just wont stop. only person who is distant from problems is saku... We dealt with South... He seems to be aired out. So i really really don't know whats going on. What i do know is... my people still going after Realgunna. Jassmine is trying to step her foot in my yard and I'M dealing with Dmoney/Fyness SLOWLY. PSH is getting Lammer by the day. I'm about to Quit... go play Xbox when I'm Not studying
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Flame list
Due to me being Sick i haven't been on home that often But this is a Short and sweet Update on all drama.
It was pretty much coming sooner or later where i would get tired of flamers. You know, kids who think they have jokes but they don't? Worst yet they sit up and laugh at their own jokes? Who does this? For example, This kids name is No Apologiez. Yea, seriously he needs to be slapped with a new funny bone. Corn on the cob ain't got nothing on this kid. I seriously watch him type and wait for at least 1 "LOL". He continues to hit the "laugh" button on his list and its retarded looking. After Every STUPID JOKE! i tend to walk away...Not to mention i seen his real pix. Talk about BUTTNASTY!
Flamer # 1: No Apologiez, Yea not to mention he's Daesins friend.

Flamer # 2: RealGunna...
Wow... just wow... wow wow. You Graduated from a lame to a flame. Now he posted a blog about me. Here you go = Enough Typed. "i still got love for sose" SMH....
For the Record. Gunna. I'm never speaking to you ever again. You annoy me.
Flamer # 3: South , Chow, Hummer
Unfortunately i didn't take a pic of his avatar but This fool tried to get me caught in the mix with TY. First he brings some kid named "hummer" to come try to flame me. Avii got on him so bad he cried for some little kid named "chow" witch he got clowned so bad all he could say was "you're a no life having *** and you're a *****" to a point where i got annoyed. Said i would take pix and put it on this blog. i decided to leave it be. Point is. South is Spying on me giving information to TY144. TY pretends like he doesn't come on home but he still wants to "Get me back" for what i did. I told south he was going down with Him... now Chow and Hummer going with them. South, I know you're lying about lilmizkitty being Ty's Girl and trying to blame the spying on her... Cause i sent people to watch her. She goes around the server saying she's single. HA.... south is busted. I'm going to keep south around just to watch him think he's Double-O Mexico.
Case File # 6 (no pix yet sorry im slacking...)
Now back to the lame list. Guess who's back.... you wouldn't believe it. Kaliban is back. Now he trying to get with Avii saying she's cute, But asking me when am i going to call him. lol, i turned off my ps3 after that message.
So Me and Avii decided we going to Play with Kaliban really really really good! lol.
I'm a little concluded with this... Cause it hasn't been much going on lately besides people spying on me. Harassing me, Not to mention TonyDaGr8 scared to Fight me in Smackdown vs raw 2009, Afraid of Girls? i think so. He's another Guy looking for playstation Love, He went threw Taylor, asking her can he Be with her he would love her forever plus asked me the same thing. He's so lame talking about "lets make a wager" if i win blah blah blah... Sir, You're not going try Get 1 MOVE!!! He's now hanging out with "sweet nightmare" Suspect.... i wont even go there... anyway. I'm logging out. since Kellz and Ria wont blog (booooo) I'll see what Avii can do if she's up for it.
mean time I'm going to edit last post and take gurly mans pix down. he going around making fake myspaces and facebooks.
It was pretty much coming sooner or later where i would get tired of flamers. You know, kids who think they have jokes but they don't? Worst yet they sit up and laugh at their own jokes? Who does this? For example, This kids name is No Apologiez. Yea, seriously he needs to be slapped with a new funny bone. Corn on the cob ain't got nothing on this kid. I seriously watch him type and wait for at least 1 "LOL". He continues to hit the "laugh" button on his list and its retarded looking. After Every STUPID JOKE! i tend to walk away...Not to mention i seen his real pix. Talk about BUTTNASTY!
Flamer # 1: No Apologiez, Yea not to mention he's Daesins friend.
Flamer # 2: RealGunna...
Wow... just wow... wow wow. You Graduated from a lame to a flame. Now he posted a blog about me. Here you go = Enough Typed. "i still got love for sose" SMH....
For the Record. Gunna. I'm never speaking to you ever again. You annoy me.
Flamer # 3: South , Chow, Hummer
Unfortunately i didn't take a pic of his avatar but This fool tried to get me caught in the mix with TY. First he brings some kid named "hummer" to come try to flame me. Avii got on him so bad he cried for some little kid named "chow" witch he got clowned so bad all he could say was "you're a no life having *** and you're a *****" to a point where i got annoyed. Said i would take pix and put it on this blog. i decided to leave it be. Point is. South is Spying on me giving information to TY144. TY pretends like he doesn't come on home but he still wants to "Get me back" for what i did. I told south he was going down with Him... now Chow and Hummer going with them. South, I know you're lying about lilmizkitty being Ty's Girl and trying to blame the spying on her... Cause i sent people to watch her. She goes around the server saying she's single. HA.... south is busted. I'm going to keep south around just to watch him think he's Double-O Mexico.
Case File # 6 (no pix yet sorry im slacking...)
Now back to the lame list. Guess who's back.... you wouldn't believe it. Kaliban is back. Now he trying to get with Avii saying she's cute, But asking me when am i going to call him. lol, i turned off my ps3 after that message.
So Me and Avii decided we going to Play with Kaliban really really really good! lol.
I'm a little concluded with this... Cause it hasn't been much going on lately besides people spying on me. Harassing me, Not to mention TonyDaGr8 scared to Fight me in Smackdown vs raw 2009, Afraid of Girls? i think so. He's another Guy looking for playstation Love, He went threw Taylor, asking her can he Be with her he would love her forever plus asked me the same thing. He's so lame talking about "lets make a wager" if i win blah blah blah... Sir, You're not going try Get 1 MOVE!!! He's now hanging out with "sweet nightmare" Suspect.... i wont even go there... anyway. I'm logging out. since Kellz and Ria wont blog (booooo) I'll see what Avii can do if she's up for it.
mean time I'm going to edit last post and take gurly mans pix down. he going around making fake myspaces and facebooks.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Another funny week On Home. Lol
Disclaimer: like stated before, i will not be giving out personal information in the sose project of each individual. Their psn names are changeable. Its their own actions to change their psn's if they do not want the Attention. Therefore i am not slandering anyones real name. Thank you.
Hello People. Its Lisa checking back in, i know i promised sweetie, kita or kelli to blog but they don't really have time.Even dealing with our own inside clique drama. We have our Youtube up at., Due to the frequent discconnects im not going to start recording this stuff till a lil sooner than later. Plus i need my laptops back up cause they are the only 1s with DvD RW rom formates. What im using to record is a dvd recorder. So yea... the sose project will be broadcast sometime this summer... but for now. We keeping up by blog.
Well anyway. The hot gossip on Home has gotten really really amusing. for starters i would like to continue with real gunna.
Case File # 2 continued: RealGunna

So he invites me back to his little personal space right. He BS's to me about how he wants to be cool. I dont care i just wanted to know who the girl was. Well after bs bs bs bs and moreeee bs. He Finally States that its Capo...Lol wow to my knowledge Capo has a guy... a Real life 1... is he serious? Yes he was, But unfortunatly for me I got booted. when i sign back on. Thats when capo and gunna confronts me. Then she tells in public that she's not PSdating gunna and that she has a real man (like i allready knew). From that point on i mentioned how i thin gunnas pix are not real....
Cybering in public and lying to girls on the Server is Just Not the Type of Guy he says he is... i will never believe it because its #1 lame to Date over a playstation. or even have Cyber secks...
(pix and Rants Were Deleted For Random Reasons if you would like to see the pix He sends me contact me On the playstation 3. Thank you)
New Case file #: 3 UDELL

Well Udell was my buddy at 1 point. I was going to leave him alone. Because for 1. My friend vinny told me he tried to hit on His girlfriend and Vinny and his girl live In the same house with 2 ps3's. So vinny saw every message udell sent to Lady D. further Udell tried the same thing with Chyna. Dee is Chyna's live in boyfriend and i think its Dee's ps3 all together. So when he signed in chynas account. He saw the BS udell was saying. You know Udell stayed in denial and said he never ever did these things. Since everyone DELETED UDell off his list her sort of drifted away. Well... lol YESTERDAY, i saw Udell in the mall with someone i've seen around before. Lol you're not going to believe this 1. Udell is talking to someone who's Suspect as a guy... "her" psn is gameplaya999 witch is not feminin at all for starters. She has purple hair and no style of dress.... hmmmmmm
He did notice that i was standing there So he decides to send me a message on the side "sose what are you up to" lol, YOU KNOW WHAT IM UPTO!! LOL XD!!! you talking to a lil Tgirl buddy... and if thats a real female. Im going to be Shocked... So To be continued with this 1. Im not going to jump into it, but for now. I think thats a guy.
Case File # 4: Daesin
Yea... What can i say about Daesin. Well i met him once. He some how came after me and followed me around the server just to let it known that he needs attention. Talk about his click. Talkin about his fake cuzin Jasminangel who i think is the same person as him. He runs a club appearently called "Exclusives". From what i know he be on the mic singing to chicks and f'kin up the lyrics and not to mention sending out Fake PICS! ok... look:
we know that aint you!!! --->
Case File # 5: Smoke dogg
Ok ok... look. I got this guys pics. The pics of the messages he sent me. All that. I rather not violate Tos of this blog because of the explicit content that this man or boy sent me. He started off talking to my home gf Nikki. She ended up Telling me to mess with him because she thinks he's not right. So i did, and well the outcome was. He Cybered with me, and turned to her and tell her how much he wants to be with her. Then come back to me and tell me how much he wants to fk me. We both decided to be open with it and thats when he got Totally confertible with it. I mean seriously Guys you think 2 women with brains is really going to share a man? The answer is no. Make a long story short. Smoke dog is a white guy who is in the military or so he says. he has a 12 pack... (if thats his real pic) And he was sending nicole pics of his stuff... that kind of behavior from a girl that looks that good is... to Good to be TRUE!
Well My cause Decided she liked PShome when she Visted me. So, She and i went out and bought her a ps3. She's here visiting me for 1 more Day till she goes back to compton. Lol But allready. She served some clowns... and i just havta post this 1.
Introducing: Beautiful Avii aka my cuzin Tramya
Lol you see this guy on the floor... he was chassin her around the bowling alley all night. Untill she decided to make him humiliate himself just to talk to her... lol i guess it runs in the family... lol. This dood jocked her all night. him and this other lame with a Jup fro, walking qtip. They would not Quit.
Heres both of them in Action...

Talk about LAME!! lol
Well kids that concludes today's entry... till next time.. SoSe = OUT
This project Was Rated U And Was approved By Unblockables...
Hello People. Its Lisa checking back in, i know i promised sweetie, kita or kelli to blog but they don't really have time.Even dealing with our own inside clique drama. We have our Youtube up at., Due to the frequent discconnects im not going to start recording this stuff till a lil sooner than later. Plus i need my laptops back up cause they are the only 1s with DvD RW rom formates. What im using to record is a dvd recorder. So yea... the sose project will be broadcast sometime this summer... but for now. We keeping up by blog.
Well anyway. The hot gossip on Home has gotten really really amusing. for starters i would like to continue with real gunna.
Case File # 2 continued: RealGunna
So he invites me back to his little personal space right. He BS's to me about how he wants to be cool. I dont care i just wanted to know who the girl was. Well after bs bs bs bs and moreeee bs. He Finally States that its Capo...Lol wow to my knowledge Capo has a guy... a Real life 1... is he serious? Yes he was, But unfortunatly for me I got booted. when i sign back on. Thats when capo and gunna confronts me. Then she tells in public that she's not PSdating gunna and that she has a real man (like i allready knew). From that point on i mentioned how i thin gunnas pix are not real....
Cybering in public and lying to girls on the Server is Just Not the Type of Guy he says he is... i will never believe it because its #1 lame to Date over a playstation. or even have Cyber secks...
(pix and Rants Were Deleted For Random Reasons if you would like to see the pix He sends me contact me On the playstation 3. Thank you)
New Case file #: 3 UDELL
Well Udell was my buddy at 1 point. I was going to leave him alone. Because for 1. My friend vinny told me he tried to hit on His girlfriend and Vinny and his girl live In the same house with 2 ps3's. So vinny saw every message udell sent to Lady D. further Udell tried the same thing with Chyna. Dee is Chyna's live in boyfriend and i think its Dee's ps3 all together. So when he signed in chynas account. He saw the BS udell was saying. You know Udell stayed in denial and said he never ever did these things. Since everyone DELETED UDell off his list her sort of drifted away. Well... lol YESTERDAY, i saw Udell in the mall with someone i've seen around before. Lol you're not going to believe this 1. Udell is talking to someone who's Suspect as a guy... "her" psn is gameplaya999 witch is not feminin at all for starters. She has purple hair and no style of dress.... hmmmmmm
He did notice that i was standing there So he decides to send me a message on the side "sose what are you up to" lol, YOU KNOW WHAT IM UPTO!! LOL XD!!! you talking to a lil Tgirl buddy... and if thats a real female. Im going to be Shocked... So To be continued with this 1. Im not going to jump into it, but for now. I think thats a guy.
Case File # 4: Daesin
we know that aint you!!! --->

Case File # 5: Smoke dogg
Ok ok... look. I got this guys pics. The pics of the messages he sent me. All that. I rather not violate Tos of this blog because of the explicit content that this man or boy sent me. He started off talking to my home gf Nikki. She ended up Telling me to mess with him because she thinks he's not right. So i did, and well the outcome was. He Cybered with me, and turned to her and tell her how much he wants to be with her. Then come back to me and tell me how much he wants to fk me. We both decided to be open with it and thats when he got Totally confertible with it. I mean seriously Guys you think 2 women with brains is really going to share a man? The answer is no. Make a long story short. Smoke dog is a white guy who is in the military or so he says. he has a 12 pack... (if thats his real pic) And he was sending nicole pics of his stuff... that kind of behavior from a girl that looks that good is... to Good to be TRUE!
Well My cause Decided she liked PShome when she Visted me. So, She and i went out and bought her a ps3. She's here visiting me for 1 more Day till she goes back to compton. Lol But allready. She served some clowns... and i just havta post this 1.
Introducing: Beautiful Avii aka my cuzin Tramya
Heres both of them in Action...
Well kids that concludes today's entry... till next time.. SoSe = OUT
This project Was Rated U And Was approved By Unblockables...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Disclaimer: I will not be giving out personal information of those who OWN the PSN names. You Are ALOWED to change your psn. Therefore im am not slandering anyones name. So The PSN accounts in the pics are their own actions. Its their Responcibility to change them if they do not want the attention.
Hello, My names Lisa i am 20 year old college student who just so managed to find her way on the world of Playstation home. I decided that its so Corny that i had to find a way to keep track of it. This is the best way i know how... Allow me to be the 1st to introduce everything. My sister kita... aka Maria will be posting her findings as well. She lives in New york as i Live in Los Angeles. We are blood sisters by our father but I share only 1 brother from my mother (mr g0dly unblockable ice himself. BLAH!! i hate my brother sometimes.) My father is Puerto Rican and my mother is Black. She raised me in the 562 and 310 areas Compton Ca to be exact. Anyway, I major in Political Science and Law. Blah forget all the nonsense. Im going to go ahead and introduce every Member who has something to do with anything around my circle. (aka who joined the sose project)
Like i was saying before, You have Maria .... My sister we communicated over the ps3 after i found out who her boyfriend was. She lives down the street from him, They ended up getting together Then she started Using his ps3 to talk to me. funny how it happened...
My BFF Kelli who lives in maryland... She's blond... a b---- and will kick your a-- Bannana! dont mess with her.
My Sakus... she will sacrifice you. She also lives in Japan. im heaven She is hell.
Chyna doll and Dee... my buddies who live in ohio... I tend to not get invovled in there mishaps lol.
Avian... my sisters Bf who is a walkin male escort and will f anything with feet and a purse
Sweetie AKA Vallery... and Crimsin. Bro and Sis from the Bay area of Cali. I love these 2 to death
Devine Aka sherri. My sweetheart from PA. She was married but gave her husband an accident (lol) cause she found him n bed with another women...
Nicole aka Taylor (my TAYLA!). My other sweety from Omaha Nebraska. I love this girl with my heart. 6ft off the PIRATE!!
My Xbox friends who make a special apperance:
Wendy - My UK BFF. She can bearilly speak or understand our slang
DeadlyDiva.... lol... all she says is unblockable every sentence.
Jenny... 16 young and smart
Johnny aka Evil. my # 1 xbox buddy... he REFUSES to get on playstation 3 with us!
Ok as you know, or Don't i had a boyfriend since jr high. Why would i date on a playstation? lol So yea when i \sign on. All i see are guys trying to get with Me and my friends. So we play them and play many Tricks on them.
Case File # 1: TY144
He's from New York. i will not disclose his real name. When i first met him. It was the Day Open beta for home was released. As i was a closed beta tester. He came to me he showed me a good time on home i guess. Thats when he took it too another level. he started asking me if he could come see me. Catch a flight to LA and get a Hotel or Stay in my dorm with me... (LOL) Well. I declined of course but he still wouldnt let of. Long story short. He started lying to me ALOT, he would lie about where he worked, Who he lived with. And casued mad home drama with me. What a loser.... you go this far on a playstation for a girl? are you Serious?? But because im pretty much done with Ty... all i have is pics of his past moments where he told me he loved me. I looked like his baby momma, i was "also his Sugar foot" but i would constantly find him on the server talking to other women. So one day my Bff decided to create a chick fight in public. This Guppy took the bate. He tried to Hook up with her on the side cause me and him were fighting. he thought since i didnt like her anymore he could get with her. Well, next Day She put him on blast in public (on the server) in front of 30 people who Lol'd Untill he Signed off... then he put this...
Make this Ty long story Short cause its longggggggg Trust me. It goes on and on. We deleted each other 7 times. He sends his lil lame friends to follow me around as he pretends like he dont get on Home anymore. He's after my account. Witch i pretty much Do not care.
he tried to get with: maria, kelli, Sherri and myself and we all hang out. Girls TALK stupid. You aint no home pimp you lame!
Other suspects in this scenerio
Case File # 2: RealGunna

He is My Current situation because im still going threw this 1. He asked to marry me on home. As a joke i said yes. But This guy really RAN with this! lol... He started introducing me to of his female friends as his wife. It got annoying. He would allways leave me hanging around the server for another female. I thought nothing of it. Till i broke up with him. Thats when i found out he was a home lame. Just 2 days ago My girl taylor text me telling me to get on home with my brothers account. So i did. And i found him cybering in public with her. LOL!!!!! now he tells me he moved on and blah blah blah. When all his lil female friends send me messages telling me to talk to him. I dont want to. I found out too much stuff about this man. He's pretty much desperate. he's just omg... lame... To be continued with this 1. Cause the drama is still going on.
People ive allready got rid of:
Kaliban mafia - Stoped getting online because i exposed him
Wallacegood - he still calls me his home gf and still wants to come to LA to fk me... wow
SlimJim - i Made this lil boy cry... he usta ask me to send nudes to him and tells me he loves me and wants me to have his last name.... WHAT? he didnt even know my first name... how lame.
RiotGirl - 16 yr old female who does nothing but brings drama on home and sluts herself to guys
Jasminangel - i think she is a guy... nuff said. Her causin Daesin witch is Sweetie's Case is on the bond for exposal himself since he's sending out Fake pics.
DejaBlu - i allied with her but i still dont buy her story of her being a crip from omaha nebraska.... and shooting people plus lookin like a dime piece. No way n hell.
My Future cases will be in next post. I will be letting Maria, Sweetie and Kelli blog their cases as well in the sose project... I go after posers (guys who pose as girls to get girls) Gamespitters... swagger jackers...lames... desperates and other nonsocial losers who have nothing better to do but lie to women to impress.
My project is brought to you By Rated UNBLOCKABLE!
Hello, My names Lisa i am 20 year old college student who just so managed to find her way on the world of Playstation home. I decided that its so Corny that i had to find a way to keep track of it. This is the best way i know how... Allow me to be the 1st to introduce everything. My sister kita... aka Maria will be posting her findings as well. She lives in New york as i Live in Los Angeles. We are blood sisters by our father but I share only 1 brother from my mother (mr g0dly unblockable ice himself. BLAH!! i hate my brother sometimes.) My father is Puerto Rican and my mother is Black. She raised me in the 562 and 310 areas Compton Ca to be exact. Anyway, I major in Political Science and Law. Blah forget all the nonsense. Im going to go ahead and introduce every Member who has something to do with anything around my circle. (aka who joined the sose project)
Like i was saying before, You have Maria .... My sister we communicated over the ps3 after i found out who her boyfriend was. She lives down the street from him, They ended up getting together Then she started Using his ps3 to talk to me. funny how it happened...
My BFF Kelli who lives in maryland... She's blond... a b---- and will kick your a-- Bannana! dont mess with her.
My Sakus... she will sacrifice you. She also lives in Japan. im heaven She is hell.
Chyna doll and Dee... my buddies who live in ohio... I tend to not get invovled in there mishaps lol.
Avian... my sisters Bf who is a walkin male escort and will f anything with feet and a purse
Sweetie AKA Vallery... and Crimsin. Bro and Sis from the Bay area of Cali. I love these 2 to death
Devine Aka sherri. My sweetheart from PA. She was married but gave her husband an accident (lol) cause she found him n bed with another women...
Nicole aka Taylor (my TAYLA!). My other sweety from Omaha Nebraska. I love this girl with my heart. 6ft off the PIRATE!!
My Xbox friends who make a special apperance:
Wendy - My UK BFF. She can bearilly speak or understand our slang
DeadlyDiva.... lol... all she says is unblockable every sentence.
Jenny... 16 young and smart
Johnny aka Evil. my # 1 xbox buddy... he REFUSES to get on playstation 3 with us!
Ok as you know, or Don't i had a boyfriend since jr high. Why would i date on a playstation? lol So yea when i \sign on. All i see are guys trying to get with Me and my friends. So we play them and play many Tricks on them.
Case File # 1: TY144
He's from New York. i will not disclose his real name. When i first met him. It was the Day Open beta for home was released. As i was a closed beta tester. He came to me he showed me a good time on home i guess. Thats when he took it too another level. he started asking me if he could come see me. Catch a flight to LA and get a Hotel or Stay in my dorm with me... (LOL) Well. I declined of course but he still wouldnt let of. Long story short. He started lying to me ALOT, he would lie about where he worked, Who he lived with. And casued mad home drama with me. What a loser.... you go this far on a playstation for a girl? are you Serious?? But because im pretty much done with Ty... all i have is pics of his past moments where he told me he loved me. I looked like his baby momma, i was "also his Sugar foot" but i would constantly find him on the server talking to other women. So one day my Bff decided to create a chick fight in public. This Guppy took the bate. He tried to Hook up with her on the side cause me and him were fighting. he thought since i didnt like her anymore he could get with her. Well, next Day She put him on blast in public (on the server) in front of 30 people who Lol'd Untill he Signed off... then he put this...
Make this Ty long story Short cause its longggggggg Trust me. It goes on and on. We deleted each other 7 times. He sends his lil lame friends to follow me around as he pretends like he dont get on Home anymore. He's after my account. Witch i pretty much Do not care.
he tried to get with: maria, kelli, Sherri and myself and we all hang out. Girls TALK stupid. You aint no home pimp you lame!
Other suspects in this scenerio
Case File # 2: RealGunna
He is My Current situation because im still going threw this 1. He asked to marry me on home. As a joke i said yes. But This guy really RAN with this! lol... He started introducing me to of his female friends as his wife. It got annoying. He would allways leave me hanging around the server for another female. I thought nothing of it. Till i broke up with him. Thats when i found out he was a home lame. Just 2 days ago My girl taylor text me telling me to get on home with my brothers account. So i did. And i found him cybering in public with her. LOL!!!!! now he tells me he moved on and blah blah blah. When all his lil female friends send me messages telling me to talk to him. I dont want to. I found out too much stuff about this man. He's pretty much desperate. he's just omg... lame... To be continued with this 1. Cause the drama is still going on.
People ive allready got rid of:
Kaliban mafia - Stoped getting online because i exposed him
Wallacegood - he still calls me his home gf and still wants to come to LA to fk me... wow
SlimJim - i Made this lil boy cry... he usta ask me to send nudes to him and tells me he loves me and wants me to have his last name.... WHAT? he didnt even know my first name... how lame.
RiotGirl - 16 yr old female who does nothing but brings drama on home and sluts herself to guys
Jasminangel - i think she is a guy... nuff said. Her causin Daesin witch is Sweetie's Case is on the bond for exposal himself since he's sending out Fake pics.
DejaBlu - i allied with her but i still dont buy her story of her being a crip from omaha nebraska.... and shooting people plus lookin like a dime piece. No way n hell.
My Future cases will be in next post. I will be letting Maria, Sweetie and Kelli blog their cases as well in the sose project... I go after posers (guys who pose as girls to get girls) Gamespitters... swagger jackers...lames... desperates and other nonsocial losers who have nothing better to do but lie to women to impress.
My project is brought to you By Rated UNBLOCKABLE!
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