Hello, My names Lisa i am 20 year old college student who just so managed to find her way on the world of Playstation home. I decided that its so Corny that i had to find a way to keep track of it. This is the best way i know how... Allow me to be the 1st to introduce everything. My sister kita... aka Maria will be posting her findings as well. She lives in New york as i Live in Los Angeles. We are blood sisters by our father but I share only 1 brother from my mother (mr g0dly unblockable ice himself. BLAH!! i hate my brother sometimes.) My father is Puerto Rican and my mother is Black. She raised me in the 562 and 310 areas Compton Ca to be exact. Anyway, I major in Political Science and Law. Blah forget all the nonsense. Im going to go ahead and introduce every Member who has something to do with anything around my circle. (aka who joined the sose project)
Like i was saying before, You have Maria .... My sister we communicated over the ps3 after i found out who her boyfriend was. She lives down the street from him, They ended up getting together Then she started Using his ps3 to talk to me. funny how it happened...
My BFF Kelli who lives in maryland... She's blond... a b---- and will kick your a-- Bannana! dont mess with her.
My Sakus... she will sacrifice you. She also lives in Japan. im heaven She is hell.
Chyna doll and Dee... my buddies who live in ohio... I tend to not get invovled in there mishaps lol.
Avian... my sisters Bf who is a walkin male escort and will f anything with feet and a purse
Sweetie AKA Vallery... and Crimsin. Bro and Sis from the Bay area of Cali. I love these 2 to death
Devine Aka sherri. My sweetheart from PA. She was married but gave her husband an accident (lol) cause she found him n bed with another women...
Nicole aka Taylor (my TAYLA!). My other sweety from Omaha Nebraska. I love this girl with my heart. 6ft off the PIRATE!!
My Xbox friends who make a special apperance:
Wendy - My UK BFF. She can bearilly speak or understand our slang
DeadlyDiva.... lol... all she says is unblockable every sentence.
Jenny... 16 young and smart
Johnny aka Evil. my # 1 xbox buddy... he REFUSES to get on playstation 3 with us!
Ok as you know, or Don't i had a boyfriend since jr high. Why would i date on a playstation? lol So yea when i \sign on. All i see are guys trying to get with Me and my friends. So we play them and play many Tricks on them.
Case File # 1: TY144
He's from New York. i will not disclose his real name. When i first met him. It was the Day Open beta for home was released. As i was a closed beta tester. He came to me he showed me a good time on home i guess. Thats when he took it too another level. he started asking me if he could come see me. Catch a flight to LA and get a Hotel or Stay in my dorm with me... (LOL) Well. I declined of course but he still wouldnt let of. Long story short. He started lying to me ALOT, he would lie about where he worked, Who he lived with. And casued mad home drama with me. What a loser.... you go this far on a playstation for a girl? are you Serious?? But because im pretty much done with Ty... all i have is pics of his past moments where he told me he loved me. I looked like his baby momma, i was "also his Sugar foot" but i would constantly find him on the server talking to other women. So one day my Bff decided to create a chick fight in public. This Guppy took the bate. He tried to Hook up with her on the side cause me and him were fighting. he thought since i didnt like her anymore he could get with her. Well, next Day She put him on blast in public (on the server) in front of 30 people who Lol'd Untill he Signed off... then he put this...
Make this Ty long story Short cause its longggggggg Trust me. It goes on and on. We deleted each other 7 times. He sends his lil lame friends to follow me around as he pretends like he dont get on Home anymore. He's after my account. Witch i pretty much Do not care.
he tried to get with: maria, kelli, Sherri and myself and we all hang out. Girls TALK stupid. You aint no home pimp you lame!
Other suspects in this scenerio
Case File # 2: RealGunna
He is My Current situation because im still going threw this 1. He asked to marry me on home. As a joke i said yes. But This guy really RAN with this! lol... He started introducing me to of his female friends as his wife. It got annoying. He would allways leave me hanging around the server for another female. I thought nothing of it. Till i broke up with him. Thats when i found out he was a home lame. Just 2 days ago My girl taylor text me telling me to get on home with my brothers account. So i did. And i found him cybering in public with her. LOL!!!!! now he tells me he moved on and blah blah blah. When all his lil female friends send me messages telling me to talk to him. I dont want to. I found out too much stuff about this man. He's pretty much desperate. he's just omg... lame... To be continued with this 1. Cause the drama is still going on.
People ive allready got rid of:
Kaliban mafia - Stoped getting online because i exposed him
Wallacegood - he still calls me his home gf and still wants to come to LA to fk me... wow
SlimJim - i Made this lil boy cry... he usta ask me to send nudes to him and tells me he loves me and wants me to have his last name.... WHAT? he didnt even know my first name... how lame.
RiotGirl - 16 yr old female who does nothing but brings drama on home and sluts herself to guys
Jasminangel - i think she is a guy... nuff said. Her causin Daesin witch is Sweetie's Case is on the bond for exposal himself since he's sending out Fake pics.
DejaBlu - i allied with her but i still dont buy her story of her being a crip from omaha nebraska.... and shooting people plus lookin like a dime piece. No way n hell.
My Future cases will be in next post. I will be letting Maria, Sweetie and Kelli blog their cases as well in the sose project... I go after posers (guys who pose as girls to get girls) Gamespitters... swagger jackers...lames... desperates and other nonsocial losers who have nothing better to do but lie to women to impress.
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