Scenario #1
I met JasmineAngel in central plaza. Me and Chris were laughing at her run away from lames trying to talk to her. they started to disrespect her. Knowing me I decided to jump to her defense. I spent a few mins verbally abusing 3 guys who kept trying to talk to her. They eventually fell back, she grew humbleness with me. She started telling people "im a worthy opponent" that she needs to battle me someday. I got offended quickly because i just helped this lil broad and she did nothing but said 2 or 3 sentences that was irrelevent and not funny at all. I did all the WORK! rightt...
Scenario #2
I noticed some clown named "daesin" was following me around.. Yea... When i got to the PSP hunt that night is where i found this nikka "apologiez" (previous post) Well we got into it there. Thats when Daesin shows up, he decides he wants to run his font. Thats when he mentions Jasmine is Queen of home and that she runs things. He then mentioned "Jasmine deleted you sose she thinks you are lame" Lol Wowww... I had no idea specially after i just owned nikkas for her. Her Excuse was she deleted me cause we didnt talk frequently. Didn't matter to me anyway Im not a fan or friend of jasmineangel who is this bia??
Scenario #3
Yea.... i had enough of Jasmine. I had someone catch up to her. I verbally abused her for an hour in the bowling alley. I watched her beg and plede for me to calm down. That Daesin was talking the crap and it wasn't her. Bull, anyway she kept thinking it was because she deleted me. No Jas its cause you ran your font about me. Saying i was lame when we never even spoke. At the end of my verball abuse she said "sose lets start over" i refused. Its whatever i don't like 2 faced broads...
Scenario #4
Once again Jasmine was running her Font to someone. So i had someone pull her pics for me. She said i was having or using Junmac to spy on her for me and that she did not trust him. 1st of all JUNMAC used to do wiered things to me. He's lucky he's even on my friendslist with the things he's done. He snooped around and found out what school i go to then told me he was going to show up in my dorm. I moved away i dont stay on campus anymore but good because junmac scared me half to death. Anyway back to the situation at hand. I caught up to her and we had a verbal outlet once again. It counts baby i owned you in central plaza. You started whining telling me you wanted to be cool and that its ANNOYING that We are equal... no no no baby. We are not equal. I am a special kind of girl, I play mind games and feed them to the public. Well now Chicken says She's going to observe me. Now telling people she's going to GET ME. HA! im waiting...
Exposal: JasmineAngel
Lets see. Chick you're a Asian/latina (witch asians and hispanics n the bay dont get along) from Oakland California... you claim you're on House arrest for attempted murder but you're about a BUCK 119... please What did you attempt to murder... hampsters?? GTFO! Daesin is allready exposed as a fake. lets see if u're Real chicka.
Lol i wasn't going to let this 1 slide anymore. I promised to get this lame. long ago. I WISH i can POST real pix. The bet was... If he was supposed to be some "hot guy" who gets all the chicks. He turned out to be some Drunk ugly ass white kid who lives in bars. He was a total loser in fact he sent some sheman Aeonflux after me. Her avatar looked like a damn guppy from the little mermaid. I told the bitch to go back to the sea with her fish looking self
Exposal: UptownMar
fkin loser...
An Open CASE...
I told Fynesse the same thing... im going to Openly Crush you two and i don't care if you know about it. Anyway, i was put threw hell for a week. I did miss a opportunity to record my 1st show when Chyna decided she wanted to cuss out money on the mic. FK!!!! for now on. Im keeping my recorder hooked up to my ps3. Moments like that should of been caught. That was the funniest night in a while on home. As far as this situation with me and money. I been basically trying to avoid him but he wont quit. I gave up. I decided to be his "home girl" lol thats what he wants. He got it, not to mention i continue to kick his ass in smackdown vs raw 2009. My friends on Xbox miss me and my brother I really need to get back into smackdown. Irregaurdless This dood is going to be fun to crush. Specially since he reads this blog LOL.
At the same time last night. I told fynesse i was going to bed with just my T. He got all excited and crims added on to it calling him a loser. He got butt-hurt cause i wouldnt go in private and cyber with him. I went to bed...
Like i said. Im Starting my recordings...Tonight. WATCH OUT, Watch What you Say to me too...