What can i say about this place... do i miss it? NO! lol, i will only come back to kick it wit J. Thats pretty much it. I like that I no longer have to talk in public. I don't like that people can pm me. Now people are thirsty for mics sense sony added it. Oh and for the record. I would like to give a warm fuck you to a certain sony employee for help banning some of my people and adding a MAJOR decline of interest of what we do on home. Also would like to add that i want compensation for sony watching my old videos and taking notes. Adding the feature to now report people and send the messages directly to sony... Now with that said. PSN is free. However if you put money on your account and think you're a badass and talk some shit to someone... SONY WILL BAN UR ASS! thats just me warning you...if you want to talk some shit to people... make an account you don't care about. Cause the accounts you do care about... even if you are playstation plus... If you do not follow their terms of service they will... i repeat...will! pull the plug on your account. Sort of the reasons why i will not run my font on home. I've been suspended 3 times. 1 more time and my account is gone. I refuse to let that happen. You don't even havta do anything. You can make like 10 people mad and they report you all at once... bam account is GONE!... thats what happen to CJ's account.