Haha! well! I thought i seen it all, no i haven't... this dude named... (its doesn't matter) would hit me up constantly on a daily basis begging for my attention... begging to get with me... begging for sex etc. Even when my chick hit him up and told em I don't want him. He still did it but lol... then he sends me a tp to this club right... and i swear to you. This was the most n00biest shit I've ever seen in my life... the floor was missing cuz of the texture that was hosting the image was missing. Nigga had Pillsbury doe boy biscuit bottles as ... i dont know what... i mean damn. Everyone there was ghetto fabulous and it was a bunch of dry ass n00bs everywhere

This has got to be the most embarrassing shit I've ever witnessed. But hey its their world.... let them live in their not found world...