Prior to us even comming back to blogging. This video was shown to us.
Probably the reason to step back on the yard. Let me give my opinion. For ANYONE to throw up UMTO in any form or fashion is deliberately condoning the likes of a registered sex offender. Not only that you're following a 42 year old male who's life has nothing else going for him. His life is set. Playstation home is all he will ever conquer. I didn't even have to expose someone who's already exposed but I am giving my opinion of the matter. Fact is, for you to stand next to a guy like this makes you automatically a loser. I could understand if he was trying to make something of his mistakes and actually do a positive thing on playstation. But he's not, he has his own fam and he disrupting home with his nonsense and bullshit on playstation cams and mics as well as text abuse. Fact... if You are UMTO = you're a loser...and a lot more shit i would like to put on it but its all i can say... I don't think that dude will ever try something positive in life. He's 40+
So... 1 by 1 UMTO members are getting exposed.
UnblockaSoS... out