The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
oh Fuck M&M's!
i wanted to note that ice made a video on behalf of the sose project cause of things being said about what we do. Its more than 1 of us on this account... calling My avatar a tranny gets u no where but a pissed off bitch behind the controller. i don't even wanna mention names... so im not. enjoy what was brought...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
its SoSe! miss Lisaaaa
However i do have a positive story for the 1st time.... lol (like thats sose)
like to hear it? here it goes...
I'm sittin n the plaze and i notice the turkeys...grrrrrr did i wanna kick them.... yes! you know im violent. Thats not the story. Story is a human turkey is walking around and he is giving out a beta code for battlefield bad company. Dude was advertising it so Crims said something to him. Then he said lets play a game for it. Crims backed out and stated that he rather play Assassins creed 2 anyways. Me being me, i step up and he told me the same thing. I previously didn't see that so i backed out as well. Then he goes "c'mon... please.." so i said fine w.e.... i took my Guess at his number for his lil guessing game. I guessed 76.... the number pops up as 90. Crims then thinks he wants to try it. He says his number and it ended up being 91.... So i tried it again... i said 45.... bingo. Second try It pops up as 45....I'm Indian what can i say i got some psy powers at times...
2 spaces up my name says 45.... SoSe is the best.... So now before i downloaded the game i was being harassed by 3 losers but i choose not to blog them. Its the same o'l with home so i feel its never going to stop its allways gonna be some poor sap being at his ps3 lonely wanting to talk to some psn girl. Hey thats them.... not the girl...
So here is battlefield after i downloaded it... i should record it and Youtube it later...
blogs over... lisa out.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I got teabagged……..
So I’m really really trying hard to play AND like CALL OF DUTY:MODERN WARFARE 2. I really am. But you know what?? Men have a really excellent way of fucking up a good thing. Just look at America and visits to the gynecologist. I’m in the pregame lobby and this is what I hear:
-Oh shit!! a girl playing!!!
-Oh hell yeah!!! after I kill her Imma teabag her!!
This is the very reason I play every game sans musical ones with the sound off. So as I figured they would, they attempt to hunt me down. Little do they know I run with a grenade launch named Sasha and me and the bitch are surgical together. I was playing in the rooftop level, so I just waited for them to come. And when they got there Sasha was waiting on them. I got both the assholes and one of their buddys. Then I climbed down and TEABAGGED THE SHIT outta them til one of their teammates shot me. I still got pwn’d for the round tho, seeing as those were my only kills. But 3 kills to 28 deaths is about my average so I wasn’t upset at all. The after lobby chat was slightly different:
-Man, that bitch got all of us. Stupid bitch should be washing dishes or something.
-Yeah….I came around the corner and she was teabagging you guys for like 20 seconds. I just walked up and stabbed her she was so in to it.
-Pfft…probably a guy.
Yeah that’s right you virgins, treat me like one of the guys and PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!!!!!
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacrest Out!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's called a pussy
LATEST UPDATE ON M&M'S MOVIE STATUS: taking a break from the action film scene M&Ms is seen here enjoying himself on a nice sunny california day by going out and skating with the homies

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
5 Minutes.. its all it Took (JNG)
5 Mins of me loggin into PShome today. I have been followed and harrassed by some 17 yr old kid who wanted to talk to me. I nicely dismissed him more than once. But i found it cute he just kept coming to me.
This Kid named Jng... he says his PSN stands for his initials. Whatever. The thing is i just signed on and he kept followin me i asked him what he wanted and he said "you". Black had to come and ask him how old he was prior i even asked the same question. He's 17. blacks next question was. You think sose really likes you? lol.
Right after he came right back talkin to me when QB left... lol this guy has no chance... no life... no reason to be on home besides the fact that he wants to look for chicks. Not only was he boring but his lines where corny...
JNG... u fail .... and it only took 5 mins for me to realize that....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Unblockable Holloween
ok, so i try to sign in, i was told that i coudlnt sign in, ok fine, i call sony and got thru, to a "specialist" and he (with an rude attitude) said that i was banned for innapropriate language
and that i was banned till the 11th, well, that didnt make any sense to me and i told him to tell me of what had transpired that led to a banning of my account, that it took place on
the 25th of october and that it had to deal with foul language on a game thats rated E (home)
I remember that day, and it was a guy who appoached us, that every home dweller referrs to as a default, he was making rude and innapropriate language to us, and i decided to stick up
against them, im sick and tired of the way they harrass females on here, with their sexist, racist, foul language, and up right rude gestures that they do,
like i said, i made a stand and i cant beleive IM the one that gets banned yet these people run free everyday continuing their Terrorism, and the people who spend money and are on home regularly, are the ones that get The Banning,
why are we subjected to this harrasment everyday yet the people who decides to fight against them, ARE THE ONES WHO GET BANNED
i remember someone making a post about the innapropiate behaviour and they expressed they are sick of it
and i agree, yet the MODS nor anyone at sony seems to take any sort of action towards it, yet they ban people who spend money and countless hours on Home
well, ill say this in conclusion, i asked the "specialist" of what i can do to combat these Home Terroists and their lude and sexually innapropriate messages that i recieve, and he said in a scoffing manner, Report him or tell a MOD and just delete the messages
People of Home, we are a Loyal and Proud group to call Playstation's Home our second home, but if some stranger that comes into your second home and has the intent of Verbally Assulting you....wouldnt you want to do something to stand up against it??
like i said in the title
Give me Justice or Give me a Refund on all the money on virtual items i have spent for its not right for me or anyone i know to get subjected to this Home Terroism

Monday, November 2, 2009
rpgwith a few twist. You play as 3 characters: wizard, thief and
knight.All stuck in one body trying to get thier own bodies back by a
magicalartifact. Each have thier own unique skills and abilities to
offer tothe party. Thief is fast and agile and able to fly thru the
level withher bow and grappling hook. The wizard is the more stragetic
of the 3,he can summon objects and use telekenisis. The knight is the
tank,walks around in his full plate and and a huge weapn. Its a
excelentpuzzle game that makes you use all 3 characters to thier
fullestpotential. Although the game has 15 levels the game will take
hoursupon hours to beat, and suports 33 trophies including a
platinum,Trine seems to get repeaditive but lacks the glitches that
annoy youin most games, It also doesnt allow online play but lets you
useoffline multiplay for up to 3 players. Final say Trine is a must
havefor only 19.99, i give it a 4 out of 5
Sunday, November 1, 2009
October I hardly knew ya.........
October was a very eventful Month. I had some fun, has some sad, and had a period(YAY). Now you get to read all about it. I must warn you tho, dear reader. This will be long. After all, October did have 31 days. So now I'll give you the chance to stop reading.
Still here?? Let's do this then sweetie ^_^
Boy am I a bitch..........
You ever knew you were wrong about something and you continued to do it anyway?? Like that time you threw up in the sink and di..........wait, that was me. the time you got that skinny guy to pay you way into the club, then you got him to buy you drinks, then after his money got you drunk you told him you were married and out of his league and you watch is soul die and you didn't care because you were drunk but you did all this anyw.....wait, that was me too. Damnit I am a bitch. Any way, me and my big baby were remodeling our basement. He was painting and I was doing what I do, supervising. Out of know where I get the idea "Hey!!! Why don't I bitch about his painting knowing damn well I don't even think he's doing it wrong but I want to yell at him for no reason because I'm a retard?". Sound's like a plan Deja. After pissing him off enough to leave the house for 2 days I decide to show the world why my Queen Bitches Of America's Card is colored platinum by taking it out on all my friends on home!! Hazah to me. I don't know what I've proved other than the fact that I have problems I recognize but am to arrogant to do anything about and if your sitting at home judging me you can go fuck yourself with a rusty Mr.Marcus brand dildo covered in broken bits of discarded Britney Spears "In The Zone" cd's.
****I was gonna publish this blog when I got back home but couldn't remember in which folder I saved the word file so I waited until the end of the month to publish with the rest****
Miami Bitches!!! How I love this yearly getaway from real life. Even more so this year because it's sans husbands and boyfriends. No.....I didn't give a stranger a handjob, silly bears. I did get a local guy and his friends to think I was tho. But I'll get back to that later. Shortly after touching down we rush to the hotel so we can change in to our swimsuits and grab some tickets to the Banana Hammock Extravaganza. It was lack-luster to say the least. I guess I lost the enthusiasm for looking at fine ass guys on teh beach I once had. Part of getting old I guess. But my slut bucket friend does manage to meet a semi-decent looking guy with a gaggle of not-as-good-looking-as-him-friends, which is probably why he hangs with them. They smell like beer baking in the florida sun but for some reason the only thing I can smell is the free lobster dinner I'm getting one of them to buy me later that night. They seem to be friendly enough to server as our escorts this weekend. Not overly horny and not touching me, just the way I like my run-to guys to be. I ask the one that seems to be the alpha male to come with me and play in the water. I know that if I hang with him the others will follow. After about 1 hour of that my slut bucket friend is tongue deep in some guys eat hole. I knew it was coming but wasn't expecting it til at least the next day....chicka moves fast. Some times goes by, we had fun. We decide to shower and get changed for some night life and good eats. Dancing drinking dancing drinking eating drinking dancing dancing. As we prepare to turn in for the night we notice something......where's slut bucket??? How did we lose her?? Meh....she's a big girl. I'm sure she'll be fine.
We get up the next morning and low and behold.....slut bucket's in her room. Only problem is she has thrown up in............everywhere!!!! I'll just leave her a note telling her were we'll be. We hang out with the homeboys for the better part of the day, just having fun, acting free of worry. Slut Bucket's vacabuddy ask about her, then goes to "check" on her. We find it funny. She's goes on vacation to have sex with strangers when she could have done the same thing at home. I would have at least had a 3some or something. Who goes on vacation to do shit they can do at home???
Well its time to leave :(. Suck but we gotta go. Me and slut bucket's sidekick decide to get some lunch before we leave. Alpha male decides he would like to join us. Awww what the hellz, I'll pay this time. It's the least I could do. Our final conversation is as follows:
AM: So did you enjoy your self?
Me: Very much so!!! Thanks for hanging with me and my friends.
AM: It was our pleasure. You girls are fun to be around.
Me: Yeah, we had fun too. Some more than others lol
AM:(Laughing) Yeah, I think she had the most fun. I was kinda jealous actually.
Me: Jealous of what? You wanted to have sex with your friend all weekend long?
AM: Ummm no......with a special girl I met this weekend.
Me:Awwwww......why didn't you say something sweetie?? I could have found somebody else to hang with.
AM: Now why you gone do me like that??? I could have been with a busta(I have no idea what a busta is, but I assume its a female human of low sexual standard, much like my friend slut bucket)
Me: Sorry, would you like a handjob?
AM:HELL NAW!!! I want that good good!!!(I don't know what good good is either, I'm guessing it's human female vagina)
Me: Sorry, I was joking. I'm not giving you a handjob.
AM: I'm not talking bout no handjob!!! I'm Talking bout that pussy!!!!!(Yeah...good good is what I thought it was)
.............Why is he talking so ghetto all of a sudden?
Me:Oh...... I'm not giving you that either.
AM: So you can spend my money but you can't let me hit huh? You think you to good for me or something?
AM: What???You think you betta than this??
AM: Girl I got that arab money!! Let me keep you another week. I need you on my team. Your family can spare another few days.
Me: I'm sure they could but I miss them and don't really like you that much any more. You seemed like a cool guy and all but my good good is on reserve.
AM: Mane....that nigga probbaly fucking mad hoes while you down here.
Me: Probably.
AM: So you should get back at him ma.
Me: You know....that's not a bad idea.
AM:See ma??? You just gotta get a nigga that on your level.
Me: Yeah....I think I'll fine a guy on the plane to do it with. I can't do it with you because your not attractive.
AM: Why you gotta be so blunt and play with a nigga feeling?
Me: Cause it's funny. Only thing I asked you to do is play in the water at the beach.
...........He receives a imaginary phone call from some girl offering him sex and feels he needs to tell me about it.
AM:See? I got hoe's all over this dick. You missing out shawty.
Me: I'll live. Sounds like you should wear a condom.
AM:Pfft, what ever. Go home to that lame ass life you lead trick.
Me: Will do kiddo.
Me:Oh.....and nice meeting you ^_^
Man I hate kids........
Not my dookie monster of course. I love him to death. But I hate other kids badly. I have no patients what so ever. A friend of mine had a birthday party for her daughter and invited us. I'm not sure why you would invite a 3 1/2 month old baby to a birthday party but whatever. I guess it's something I should get use to. GOD WHAT DID I COMMIT TO????It was pure and utter horror. 40 something kids running around in a fucking skating rink is madness. The only joy I got was watching them bust their little asses and come screaming back to the table as if they just saw Santa in the bathroom taking it gloryhole-style. Shit was pretty funny. But my husband is running around like a little kid too!!! Playing games, getting quarters......he's so gay but I love him. Oh.......and I'm not going to another child's party til my baby is old enough to be dropped off.
Peace^,A-Town Down, Seacrest Out!!!!!