WHAT'S UP!!!!! omg hey guys how ya been? idgaf i'm just makin' small talk. have you guys played call of duty modern warfare 2 yet? omfg it fuckin' rules. like for real it's so fucking cool like one of the best games i've played for months. there were some issues upon release concerning party invites and tropy sets but it's all been patched it runs smooth and looks great. the community's pretty...annoying. recently i've been playing alot with M&M's and today we were in a game and he say's "GODDAMN BITCH!!!" then someone said "watch your language" and then M&M's said "there aren't any kids in here besides kid's shouldn't play this game it looks too real" then the guy go's "mz adonia sounds like a little girl" we then had some conversation i can't entirely remember about adonia's high pitched voice and i began to say "she has a" i was cut off with "it's called a pussy,that's what she has" and then i muted him but other than that MW2 is THE SHIT. buy it play it live it love it.
LATEST UPDATE ON M&M'S MOVIE STATUS: taking a break from the action film scene M&Ms is seen here enjoying himself on a nice sunny california day by going out and skating with the homies
LATEST UPDATE ON M&M'S MOVIE STATUS: taking a break from the action film scene M&Ms is seen here enjoying himself on a nice sunny california day by going out and skating with the homies