Classic SoSe... You know what. I guess i'm back... I don't Run my own website anymore. I don't Run my own blogg. I'm Lisa A. And i am exhausted... The whole drama thing took a toll on me. Ice taking the Fall for being SoSe was Great while it lasted. But the Childishness needs to Cease. The Anti SoSe Crew will have no effect on me what so ever. You know why? Cause at the end of the Day. It's Just a Gaming Console with people on it who have nothing better to do. So if you care for your internet reputation and you feel as if the sose project is destroying it for what you do... then So be it...
5 Mins of me loggin into PShome today. I have been followed and harrassed by some 17 yr old kid who wanted to talk to me. I nicely dismissed him more than once. But i found it cute he just kept coming to me.

This Kid named Jng... he says his PSN stands for his initials. Whatever. The thing is i just signed on and he kept followin me i asked him what he wanted and he said "you". Black had to come and ask him how old he was prior i even asked the same question. He's 17. blacks next question was. You think sose really likes you? lol.

If you can really read that. It says that i like playing him.... and u see in green black ask if he likes me... he says yes....But tha best part was him trying to talk to some girl named QB. I dont know if it was etheir Red or Black but they asked him "i thought u like sose" and he says .... something like "yea but i got her on the rebound".. what kinda shit is that!??????? lol oh yea avatar shit. The kind that if a chic dont give u no play u tend to move on quick.

Right after he came right back talkin to me when QB left... lol this guy has no chance... no life... no reason to be on home besides the fact that he wants to look for chicks. Not only was he boring but his lines where corny...

JNG... u fail .... and it only took 5 mins for me to realize that....