That Devious Deceptive bitch! Not too longer than 5 fucking minutes of me learning her life crises and why she's leaving. Sitting with her...being with her... This ho decides she wants to Set me the fuck up...I have never been so fuckin Pimp'd n my life. Sitting in the plaza with MM's and talking to her. Some girl walks up saying she wants to be friends blah blah blah and what not..I'm not gonna reveal the PSN cause this is crazy...So we go back to her Summer home and she shows us pix. She ask me if i have some. I say... no my ps3 was formated but MM's mite have them. So m's takes us to her harbour. Pfft we get there and i havta do something. I leave my ps3... not knowing to prior to me answering "do i like girls". I said Yes... M's Said no.... This mother fucking WHORE MM's decides she wants to hook me up with this chick after showing her my pic. I come back to my ps3. And Omg.... the most lesbian shit i've ever saw. She was all over my avatar asking to PSdate me....WHAT THE FUCKIN FIGGITY FUCK!?? i spent about a good half hour cursing out MM's n her inbox. All she did was laugh and run around... I hate YOU MM's!!! GAH!! Now i got some chick who wants to touch my avatar booty...
i wanted to note that ice made a video on behalf of the sose project cause of things being said about what we do. Its more than 1 of us on this account... calling My avatar a tranny gets u no where but a pissed off bitch behind the controller. i don't even wanna mention names... so im not. enjoy what was brought...