end of Rant 1....
So.... I've been talkin about the games.
What fuckin game will take game of the year????
GOD of War 3....
Force Unleashed 2
Halo Reach
Red Dead Redemption
Dead Rising 2
Fallout New vegas...
is there any other great games i forgot? let me know....
Whats on my mind tho... seriously. People around me and my friends who call themselves friends to me but show lack of support untill someone get shit on. That makes no sense. I havta pull a stunt to get some attention? Im not doing that. Im not a bottem feeder....

Thats exactly how i feel about that. Epic fucking Fail.... doing Shit on second life... Pshome or whatever... fighting... arguing.... making an ass out of urself and pulling stunts just to get attention is epic fucking fail. Its like .... Running the special olympics a wise man once said.... even if you WIN.... You're still retarded... You still drool, you still have a crooked eye... etc etc... but in argument sake. U'r still that douch bag everyone says u fucking are at the end of the day lookin for attention. You're still that kid who hates everything...distant yourself... always bored and lookin for people to fuck wit...
in that case.... that brings me to J...He came at me today with a proposition. Which... I'm not calling him a moron or nothing but he pretty much explained to me that he wants to "expose fams" on pshome. Now... i've been there and done that. The problem i have with that is my prestige. I'm too well known to be sitting here letting some clown's retailiate off me and get their name know cause they had sose beef.... look at the frosties. They been there sense day 1. Noone really cared about the frosties untill we put them on the map. 1 of them even BEGGEd to be blogged or done a video about so he can have "fans" lol. My thing is this. I rather make clans or fams fight themselves and implode. Annoying teams will eventually disband themselves... their largest fear is... for someone to humiliate them....When i sit back n write this shit now. I think to myself... "sose... why post a psn name or a person's name now? all they gonna do is BITCH about how they didnt do a certain thing" well let me tell you something. Before i post i have evidence that you did it. A lot of you fucks try to say i set you up when u know damn well you did it on your own and that i allowed you to and didnt stop you. Or say anything to condone ur actions. If you think i set u up... well Fuck you...
Pix, video and print screen does not lie.... now im sleepy and im done writing... hope u enjoyed this bullshit cause didnt enjoy writing it... fuckballs... gnite.