Lets me see here i have been gaming more than getting on home. I've also been on sl a lot more. SL is a place where u can mellow out and not havta worry about perverts. However dont bring your real life drama to sl. For some unknown reason those people like to start drama and pass notecards like they are in highschool. The appeal to SL is people are middle aged. Ya know? people who dont go out much... 25 - 50. I dont get why so old but be so childish, guess they was punked in their 1st life wheree they gotta come and make a name for themselves in a second.. one... low self esteem much? lol
Another thing i noticed is how im not very holiday orientated. Here it is october about to be holloween. I never requested my site to get a make over or nothing.... i may do it for christmas. It all depends.
In other news. I take gaming seriously... if your trying to holla at me just to get into a chat or anything like that. Its not going to work. Unless you wanna play a game, I will not talk to you.

So I've been playing a lot of Uncharted 2 multi... i love this game more than anything.... i should have been playing this a long time ago. Well its seems as if preditors don't come to me anymore. Is it because im known? Probably... I also notice that when J is around he gets over protective and scares people off before they start talkin shet. I thought that was CJ's job? and CJ dont even fk wit people untill i say "go" and i never really say go... so Is J n love??? lol
The answer can be concluded another time..
if you think this blog is boring? well.... Who cares... Fuc you.... i will have another blogg soon to. Im just going to keep bloggin. Like they All USED to.