So thats my piece of paradise on SL.
Yea i have a heli, you may ask... "WAT thA fuK u need a heli for?". I have a heli cause i like to show off i guess i don't know.
Intellect much?
Ok so im sitting on playstation home with my baby b0o right? Prior to J showing up this dude comes talking to me with the psn that has something to do with smoking. 1st he threw a line at me
"smokin" : hi how are you?
"me" : im fine
"smokin" : I know u are...
like seriously? thats the best you got? Then get goes on with where are you from? Then i ask the dreaded question all perverts hate. I asked him "why?" he said "im sorry" and walked away. Then J shows up. He comes back and speaks more gibberish bullshit... like ok??? then ask me if i smoke and if im on something cause im not talkin to him. I needed to give him some because he wanted to be as "high as me" like dude... shut the fuc what we call up?
He comes back and keeps asking me stupid shit over and over? What is it with people online behind avatars? Do they just get intimidated because you ask questions of their inferior inquiries?? I mean seriously? Why do people ask where are u from unless they have a motive of gathering information about "swag"? I mean thats the reason i ask people where they are from... and how old they are so i can understand their personality, ethnicity and their religions. What the fuc... Then on SL....
Lol i saw Jarome from Martin...

i swear that was him.... lollol specially how he was dancin... he had that james brown that Jerome haz haha!!
I've had conversations on SL where its like "omg why are u iming me?" non of them are worthy of posting. I've learned that if im going to blogg about my experience's. Keep these butt hurt ass people's PSN and SL names off my blogg... they act like bitches and cry when they get blogged. Its not that serious at all!!
SoSe... is like Deja, Seacresting Out!