Sunday, October 10, 2010



I failed to get pix and a PSN name... but lord o lord. I witness a "Female" on playstation home who claimed to be a female on a guy psn. I wasn't being very polite this day. Well She asked me where was i from. I responded with "my momma's Vajaja" and she instantly called me a dumb bitch. Then asked herself why she has to pick up the dumb bitches... Responded with "well u mite want to try to use a PSN tag with a sensible name. I mean calling yourself with you are is not really good to approach a girl with." she goes... "well im on my husbands Psn" ok... what the f---? seriously? Thats what she could come up with? -scratches head- PSN is still free. She could of made her own. in which i told her that. She responds with "I'm just checkin out who would go lesbo and wants a lick" ....


anyway i just wanted to quickly share that....

have a good night....