SoSe = out
The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Banned from SL
So you can get banned from SL for swearing in PG area's. Well thats logical because they don't swear in PG movies. Lol. Well lets just say as a blogger i feel like what was on this blogg a year ago about dissing other people and their persona's no matter what they did gets you nowhere. Yea people may read it and it may get popular but how much intellect does it really show? I've learned something. Dissing people because of the shit they do is not ok. Then again some people deserve it because they drag others into their own little bullshit. Don't get me wrong im not tryna sound soft and shit. Its just, i read a blog about SL and i think its pussy. PEOPLE KNOW who i am and what i blogg about. These pussies sit up and ruin peoples real lives but say nothing about who they are as a person. They dont even explain what kinda blogger they are. I mean they go as far as posting the dick and pussy pic's. I didn't find it funny. I found it to be lame as shit and scary. Probably what people thought of this blog. Scared and hiding behind a computer posting shit. I would say i would take them on but i rather not waste my time with little kid shit. When i can be making something of my website other than putting anonymous disses on here hoping for people to read it. ! day you're going to run out and then you're going to sit back and think about yourself as a person. I hope its not to late for you to realize how much pussy you are hidding behind that computer typing shit not humbling up and saying HEY! This is ME! One day you're brain is going to squeeze itself so tight the walls are going to close in on you and you're going to feel like the true lonely piece of shit that you truely are behind that computer and you're going to wonder why you're not doing shit in life because you're wasting your time bloggin and criticizing what other people fucking do when you can't even work on yourself. Then when its all said and done you're going to want to kill yourself. Well I'm not here to show you any pity. Humble the fuck up. I don't give a shit if you have a job, nice car and whatever else. There has to be something in your life that you do not like that you havta sit there and blogg about other fucking people when you dont know a god damn thing about them. YEA we have blogged like that but we grew up. You should too... The only difference is we gave warning that they will be on blast if they keep up their behavior. Now to other happier things I am comfertable with where i am. I'm no longer hangin on to people who have no push forward in life. If you dont wanna help me succeed then i dont need you. I'll do it myself. With that said im doing what ever it takes to make my website and rated unblockable become something everyone can relate to. Unblockables are in this world... its up to you to identify them and get passed them... :)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The BrickSet

Explains it all!!! so a kid named "J Gunz" sitting on playstation home. He ethuggin. He gangsta. with his
Lil fam and what not. Now u niggaz all kno how i feel about playstation home fams. I think its the lamest shit
on earth. Like muffuccaz can't go outside n get real friends. They gotta make lil fams. LOL
Sony eats that garbage shit up... and allows them to have "groups" chat rooms of 8. So they can
hear each other beat they sausages and allow their lil chicken head bird bitches to play with them
selves within them. Still, Home is not an interactive place so its a place for people with very low
intellect who have nothing to do but to text and talk about nothing... I mean sure the servers have
lil game rooms and what not but they suck donkey dick. Home itself needs a little more interaction
back to this lil eThug... and his lil booty pants (skinny jeans) lil fagg spent an hour talkin shit to J and his
people on home about he gonna kill him and blah blah blah... u weak... this and that...
see me in real life. I mean come on really? is it that serious to try to put fear in someone behind a
ps3? Do u must feel like a eWarrior? LOL
i Guess so!... easy access, thats what i call it. Any dude who claim they are a thug or a gangsta but
sporting skinny jeans of their ass needs to just apply for a gay porno flick. I mean seriously, you're advertising
your ass to other guys who like that shit. Whats the point of wearin TIGHT JEANS OFF OF UR WAIST!?
WHY OFF THE WAIST? if they are makes no sense to wear them off unless u want
some dude to be your booty warrior i dont see the point... they already tight, why not wear them properly
and doing some research on baggy jeans. Noone understood it but it made sense. The pants were LARGE
it made sense why they came down... skinny jeans do not...In Jail, dudes who took it in the butt advertised
by wearing their jeans half off the ass... virtually when i see it i think its even more hilarious. Not only
do u have low self esteem in real life by wearin them because ur obviously somebodies bitch...but virtually
ur also... some bodies bitch... now gunz, really. YOu sat there and talked that head then tried to get
childish kids to come my way with the dancing on someone avatar "hump" thing. It didnt work mijo.
matter fact i knew to leave the ps3 come back and still see u lamo's do it and thats exactly what happen
So historical. Change ya gang name to what i call niggas on SL... "the wutt wutt in the butt" crew... cuz
u niggaz is gay...
noone is afraid of text thugs.. or thugs who want u to "join their chat"

^ i live by this motto. When someone try me and get serious... i let them know this...
Wii has more game than u niggaz. I'ma have a talk with Marcus Psp so u clowns can "step ya game up"
SoSe is deuces...
Friday, January 7, 2011
What i don't blog about...
Ha! i dont blogg about me personally... my love life or who is in my life. So today, a past blog i wrote... about a certain person. Yea he upset me. He deleted me cause i wouldn't "pay him attention" like a chick would do i got fuckin pissed. Yes i acting the fuck out and started talking shit toward him. Now i said i wouldnt type out names anymore but for that i was wrong for it. What i dont blog about is the way i feel about people. Its because i dont like to feel. Feeling is for people who like to obtain a self worth. I dont need to feel worthy to anyone but me. I dont need to feel wanted, i dont want to feel wanted. I just wanna take my life and get on with enjoying it. Fuck love because its for people who cry. Crying is not fun. Love allows you to be controlled emotionally and helps you to be irrational with your decisions in life. Now in this case i dont love but... i do enjoy his company. He deleted me that 1st time that i blogged that. Because now he's just now reading it. He deleted me again. I don't even kno how i feel about it but like i said, I enjoy him around and i hope he can take it in and forgive me for it....
SoSe = out.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What happens when you air niggaz out? Should i care? I mean people do try to attack you back, even put your personal business out there. They even go as low as talking to someone close to you and exposing your deepest darkest secrets. I usta do that, hell it was fun. When they did it to me and my family i felt rather sad for a minute but you kno what. I'm still here...
anyway... I try to explain to people my PS3 is artafacting for those of u who dont know what artifacting is... heres a video on youtube i found someone posted
thats the nail n the coffin for artifacting... but my ps3 is lightweight doing it...
my ps3 is more like doing this...
Thats what my ps3 does but not as often as this guys. I mean... people understand i do not like looking at that on my screen it annoys the hell out of me...
Why so Serious?
Do you think about me?
i dont give a shit if you do, I just asked... currently the instrumental running threw my ears.
So i have encountered fucking bird brain bitches who take sl or any avatar world so serious that they have to call you out behind your computer. Well, lets see there is a disclaimer on the front of my webpage that reads. "at the end of the day this is all not real" Yes so i do sit behind a computer and fuck with you. Cause i can do that. You can call it internet trolling if you want to but i call it more less like. You came to me and I retorted to beat you over the brain. Why should i care about your feelings... really? bitch dont like it sign off then or delete me.
These days i never have much to blog about because im not airing someone out anymore. I guess im more grown up for that now. I try to keep drama off here but so much shit makes me laugh. I mean i could at least try to do with without saying your name. But then my experience gets wrecked. I need to change something and change it soon. I'm tired of the same o'l...
check out this vid by rated u wrestling
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Its the Second day of the year and im kinda fuckin pissed off. They say SoSe and the SoSe Project are the 1s that bring drama. Well I'm the 1 thats running away and avoiding it. People acting like straight bitches.Mr (i aint gonna say your lame ass name) u little bitch, Yes you i called you the fuck out. Sick of your cry baby girly ass boy shit because i dont pay attention to you. Its not my fault and u were pre fucking warned threw December 19th and Jan 11th i will be busy doing what i have to do. Its still Jan and you're crying to me like a bitch about not being able to drop u a line. Papa... suck a fuckin donkey duck dick and hope back to cuba ya fuckin walkin double standard. To my x wifey... im not gonna say ya name but you're fuckin erkin me. I really dont wanna put out my business out there like that but the fact that you dont say what you want and then run away and whine about it is beyond me. I'm sick of this god damn drama i can't even enjoy fucking with people. Then again i dont wanna gain a reputation of fucking with people because i know some people read this shit...
I really dont have much to blogg except i meet CJ314 foreal and the proof is on the front page of the website.. i would repost it here but nahhhhhhhh..... Anyway so.... Rated U, Yes my family are making it big soon and i'm trying to go with them im brushin up my skills (well trying) i helped a little with my little wrestling show. But it was still 90% done by ice...
check out the lil intro show...
Now what can i vent about when it comes to this... Drama is nonsense. Why can't people just keep it loving... understand 1 another... stop thinkin about self and go with the flow? if you dont enjoy doing something with someone. Why do you stay and continue to hurt yourself and the other person by confusing the situation. You're obviously not happy. Its good to just get with someone who you have the same common interest with so then both parties can be comfortable.
SoSe 2011...
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