Explains it all!!! so a kid named "J Gunz" sitting on playstation home. He ethuggin. He gangsta. with his
Lil fam and what not. Now u niggaz all kno how i feel about playstation home fams. I think its the lamest shit
on earth. Like muffuccaz can't go outside n get real friends. They gotta make lil fams. LOL
Sony eats that garbage shit up... and allows them to have "groups" chat rooms of 8. So they can
hear each other beat they sausages and allow their lil chicken head bird bitches to play with them
selves within them. Still, Home is not an interactive place so its a place for people with very low
intellect who have nothing to do but to text and talk about nothing... I mean sure the servers have
lil game rooms and what not but they suck donkey dick. Home itself needs a little more interaction
back to this lil eThug... and his lil booty pants (skinny jeans) lil fagg spent an hour talkin shit to J and his
people on home about he gonna kill him and blah blah blah... u weak... this and that...
see me in real life. I mean come on really? is it that serious to try to put fear in someone behind a
ps3? Do u must feel like a eWarrior? LOL
i Guess so!... easy access, thats what i call it. Any dude who claim they are a thug or a gangsta but
sporting skinny jeans of their ass needs to just apply for a gay porno flick. I mean seriously, you're advertising
your ass to other guys who like that shit. Whats the point of wearin TIGHT JEANS OFF OF UR WAIST!?
WHY OFF THE WAIST? if they are tight...it makes no sense to wear them off unless u want
some dude to be your booty warrior i dont see the point... they already tight, why not wear them properly
and doing some research on baggy jeans. Noone understood it but it made sense. The pants were LARGE
it made sense why they came down... skinny jeans do not...In Jail, dudes who took it in the butt advertised
by wearing their jeans half off the ass... virtually when i see it i think its even more hilarious. Not only
do u have low self esteem in real life by wearin them because ur obviously somebodies bitch...but virtually
ur also... some bodies bitch... now gunz, really. YOu sat there and talked that head then tried to get
childish kids to come my way with the dancing on someone avatar "hump" thing. It didnt work mijo.
matter fact i knew to leave the ps3 come back and still see u lamo's do it and thats exactly what happen
So historical. Change ya gang name to what i call niggas on SL... "the wutt wutt in the butt" crew... cuz
u niggaz is gay...
noone is afraid of text thugs.. or thugs who want u to "join their chat"

^ i live by this motto. When someone try me and get serious... i let them know this...
Wii has more game than u niggaz. I'ma have a talk with Marcus Psp so u clowns can "step ya game up"
SoSe is deuces...