Monday, February 28, 2011

Just a bunch of Gibberish!???

Don't read my blog, because i don't like you...

No i will not feed you

So I'm going to try to type whats on the top of my head. Its pretty much nothing but hate at the moment. I hate this... i hate that. I Just can't stop hating shit at the moment. I'm ready to go away get away from people. I do no like a lot of things that goes on around me. Call me emo. Pfft Go ahead i dare you. I will break your face, oh maybe i'll grin with a small smile and walk away. I'm soul searching and I can't find what I'm looking for. Am i just jotting down things and making it sound like gibberish? Kind of feels like it because my brain is racing at a high pace. I cannot catch the cell and grab a positive train of thought. What do i really want to blog about? I can't say because i dont want anyone to know me...

I don't hear voices but i do have random thoughts. weird dreams and daymares, yes daymares. Because they don't happen at night. Its like being traped in a small room with nothing in it. You can't eat, can't sleep, can't piss besides in your panties. You can't really roll and stretch to be comfortable because the walls are to close together. God im sick of this emo shit as much az u are as sick of fucking reading it! (lol i just made myself laugh)

Anyhow video games are a temp fix. There is more to life than playing them. I mean actually getting the opportunity to sit and help make them is a golden day in my life. I would love to get a chance with out the stress more of the relaxation of putting something together and making it the best. Life is what you make it and im having a hard time coping with what i want to do. I have to stop trying to go around obstacles and just get with it. 1 day i will. I blogged at the moment to make myself feel better. It kinda worked. Now i need to relax, calm down and figure out something to do for the day... Disappointment is so not my friend.... lol

Yet i still feel like this blogg is a bunch of gibberish... hmmmmm