Sunday, July 15, 2012

What it is...


I would like to be opinionated today. I know I put noobs on blast here and there but today i dont want to do that. Today i would like to walk threw my mind and explore it. Jot some things here so some of you can understand how i think. I don't think its very hard to blog at all as blogging is just random thoughts. Exposing is a whole lot different because you havta make jokes with relevance to the situation. Sometimes i think people ether dont like when i expose and think its too messy and uncalled for but contradict themselves by gettin up set by some dude harassing them on home that they could of avoided when they seen that same person on my website... I mean im just saying. I Make this a guide to stay away from certain people. Rather they had intentions of following threw or not... they still did it. Thats a fact, nor did i make them do anything that they sent me.

Being a woman on home does have its perks tho. Some of us can use our "money maker" to do exactly that. Make money... That could be them triflyn whores... or the other whores who do it because their lonely. Whatever the case. Its kinda entertaining to show the world what they do. There are a lot of desperate guys out there and dont get me wrong theres desperate women too. Fact of the matter is... Why do we sign online to pretend to feel accepted. Why do we even need to be accepted by someone? Thats a study i would like to understand. About 90% of playstation home users seem to be undesirables. And by this I'm talking about the 1s who use home ona regular basis and actual consider there popularity as a prime factor of their personal life. I'm not saying thats sad... NO NO NO. I'm saying there is something wrong with it and it cane be dangerous to the wrong person who may snap and do something irrational in real life. I think some of us need to enjoy our Virtual lives as IS and not involve them PERIOD into who we really are. As stated before on this Website...You are givin' a USER name and or Playstation network name to disclose ur true Identity. Why must some of us share our real identities with people who we bearily meet. I can understand you've known someone online for a while and u share each others experiences... and such. You know... sit down and have that "Talk". Some of us seem to want to do that "talk" with Everyone and dont realize the danger Zones they are putting themselves into. I should become a little more like deja at times and just say fuck everything and be sarcastic all the time online. Maybe i may have more to blog about but then again all ic an do is talk about someone else on here.... which is probably not good on my part... Lol

This blog was written totally from the top of my HEADD in 5 mins and i think once i feel like this again im going to continue to think and JOT.... blogs like this. Amen. SoSe... OUT!