is not Luv
Love is pain... Love is honor... love is Guilt... love is a feeling an expression.
A Unconditional feeling without forgetting or doubting someone.
LOVE is being able to remember the time...(that I met you and the way you looked at me before i said hi)
Love is being able to accept someone for who they are and not what they can do for you.
Love is being able to allow someone to Do for u if you can't always get the task done..(no its not a contradiction!)
Love is not a sport, its not a game. Its not something you play... love is a responsibility, a accommodation a compromise.
Love is a journey, a accomplishment cause once you get there its hard to shake it off of you. Its just like a championship because once you become champion, you will be forever known as a champion. Instead that championship is called being "in love"
Theres a million feelings i can write about love and how people can understand it.. understanding love is simple. Just being able to accept someone as if they where you ur self. You must love yourself before you can love someone else because if you don't love yourself you wont know how to treat someone else. Treat someone special how you would treat yourself... if you like extra cheese on your taco... get extra cheese for that other person. Lets that person become the same thought you have about you...Thats What love is... Love is accepting someone as if they are yourself.... You can't love someone like you love your mom or your dad because those are loves that like different things. If a person loves something, and they are that special someone. Find something about that something that you can love to so you both can enjoy that same passion.
and SoSe... Loves you...