With a birthday fast approaching I've decided to take a look back at some of the things I remember from childhood.
I Remember.............
You could stay out side until the street lights came on.
Sunburn was something that happened in movies.
Bullies just beat you up, not made you kill yourself over myspace comments.
Pwn was spelled own.
If a game didnt work, you blew on the cartridge not send the system in for repairs.
We had bedtimes.
If you fell off you bike you finished playing, THEN later that night you bitched about it.
If you couldnt figure something out you asked you grandma/pa, not a message board.
Weed was the strongest drug around.
Only the police and creepy old men had guns.
Playing House at school was our RPG.
If you had a report to do you went to the library.
The cool kids were the ones that played sports or were cheerleaders.
The person you played co-op with was in the same room.
Walking to school.
A friend request was playing tag at recess.
Playing a video game in one run because there was no save data option.
Telephones only made calls.
Google wasnt a word.
Jordans were Nike's.
Going out on a Friday night ment a football game and maybe McDonalds(only if you would make it home in time)
Being grounded didnt mean sitting in your room watching tv and talking on the phone about being grounded.
A IM was simply talking to the person next to you.
The only message you could forward was a note in class.
Every kid in school had the same damn cold and nobody stayed home.
Getting beat up at school got you a ass beating at home, not a lawsuit for "emotional damage".
Detention was AFTER school, NOT during.
Cutting our old pants at the knees were the only jean shorts we knew of.
Cable was MTV, HBO, ESPN, and CNN.
Summers were spent working for money for school clothes.
Only thing you could stream was water.
Fireworks werent illegal.
The American Idol was Hulk Hogan!!!
Our energy drink was koolaid with 2 pounds of sugar in it.(red of course ^_^)
Only red bull you knew of was the chicgao mascot Benny.
Rainbows were magic. Just magic.
Your mom would call you in the room to change the channel.
The first place you had sex at was in somebodys momma bed, not a hotel.
We were embarrassed to buy condoms.
Everybody "blogged" the first day back from summer vaction :)
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacreast Out!!!