Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Listen close I have a story to tell.......

The time between my last blog and this one has been filled with up's and downs.....way more up's than downs but the downs were pretty far down there. If Satan himself dug a hole with a drill off of a oil rig he couldnt get lower than Ive been. But being as arrogant as I am, I figured my low days are higher that the good days most of people could hope to ever achieve so I really shouldnt be bitching about them. Now...some of you reading this might be saying "how dare her???". But the thing is some of my friends have gone thru some real shit lately. I compare it to the stuff I been thru and think "wow, my situation could be way worst than it really is". So I guess I owe you guys a thank you for having a shittier life than me.

To all those that took offence to that above......
Really?? Your really mad enough over something I typed to get real life butt hurt over it?? I have a remedy for you.......GO FUCK YOUR LIFE! You should only be reading this for entertainment, not information. See? Different.

Me and Mines.....
Most people that greet me ask "how u doing?" and "how is ur family?" At first I was getting sick of it thinking people were testing me. But now I realize that people care more for me and my family than they do anybody else. Nothing bad on anybody else....we're just more likeable i guess. And sure some are thinking....."well I ask about others families just not in front of other people". To that I say...my family is so important to other people that they want others input on different ways to praise us lol. I mean hellz......lots of people have pictures of the beautiful child I produced lol.

To Peu Kellz and Dani.........
I accused you guys of being bad friends for not hanging around and for that Im sorry because I was doing the exact same thing. I wasnt hanging around you guys either and used the fact that your always in private as an excuse. Shame on me and slap my hand with a wooden spoon :(..I must say tho that avoiding drama is not a good excuse. As I witnessed last night being in private is not a shit shield. So why not come back out to the plaza? Somebodys involved in some bullshit for using common sense and somebodys involved in crap over a break up of a popular couple. I personally loath being in private and as soon as another friend(SCOM) came on home I basically ran to her. I stay in public so all my friends have access to me at all times while Im on Home. Besides, what good is a friend if you cant talk to them when you need them??

Your Opinion........
So you've read all of this and have decided your going to attempt to confront me and at the same time pretended my words havent affected you. And by confront me I dont necessarily mean face to face. God knows that never happens. At best their will be a forum post about how full of my self I am. On the internet nothing is every handled in the adult way. It will go something like this:
Deja is such a bitch/slut/fake/whore because blah blah blah blah.......
The blahX4 comes from the fact that after my name comes up people that know me dont give a shit about what else is said. But thanks for your opinion. Im happy that what I have to say affects you.

Blogging on time......
The thing about my blogs is that I do them when I have something to say. I dont have a subject and I cant make them up. Honostly my favorite subject is myself. I like talking about me. I like to think it brings me and my friends closer because I tell everything about me. I leave nothing to the imagination. Some think that I let people know to much but I think its being a real life friend. Im trying to go beyond being a internet friend.

Me and the cute guy that kisses me in the pants.........
I like hanging with Romeo. I think everybody likes hanging out with Romeo. How can you not like somebody that puts everything on the line? When he's wrong he straight up admits he was. Not many people, real or internet, we'll say "Im sorry I was wrong". And that means a lot to people. Everybody wants a friend thats truthful and sweet and Im happy I have one ^_^.

Me and the guy that sucks at games................
E-Cash. I dont even know how to approch this lol. I just like being around you. Sometimes it may seem like Im being hard on you but Im not. I just dont want you to feel different so I treat you like I would anybody else. At this point in my life I really cant be the party girl i was 11months ago. So playing games and hanging at home is where its at for me. My real life friends all have older children or none at all. Im the only one with a brand new baby.I cant jump up and go to a club on a whim anymore. You have every game I have and are always willing to play with me. You joke that your happy you met me but it is I who is happy I met you.

My own blog.......
After conciderable thought I have decided to branch out and create my own blog. Some people dont like coming here and others dont like going to PSHT. Now Ill still blog my home experiences on both sites but my own blog will be more about my rl suff, such as my "My Brain Was Full" series. Basically my fan base is a lot bigger than I thought it was and I dont want the bias of one site over another. Ill keep everybody post on when/where it goes up.

Peace^ A-Town Down Seacreast Out!!!!