Since my last blog Ive been question by those thinking Im leaving the Sose site. My blog stated.....After conciderable thought I have decided to branch out and create my own blog. Some people dont like coming here and others dont like going to PSHT. Now Ill still blog my home experiences on both sites but my own blog will be more about my rl suff, such as my "My Brain Was Full" series. Basically my fan base is a lot bigger than I thought it was and I dont want the bias of one site over another. Ill keep everybody post on when/where it goes up.
What this means is.......After conciderable thought I have decided to branch out and create my own blog. Some people dont like coming here and others dont like going to PSHT. Now Ill still blog my home experiences on both sites but my own blog will be more about my rl suff, such as my "My Brain Was Full" series. Basically my fan base is a lot bigger than I thought it was and I dont want the bias of one site over another. Ill keep everybody post on when/where it goes up.
See? There is no underlying message there. I havent gotten into it with anybody and Im not being kicked off
In Other News........
Today I was watching a Animal plant show on the African savanna. On the show a lion was attacking a group of cheetahs, a momma and 2 cubs. Well in the end the momma cheetah was killed but not before she got her babies to safety. The whole time I was jumping on the bed yelling"YOU GO GIRL!!!! SHOW THEM BITCHES MOMMY'S AINT NOTHING TO FUCK WITH!!!!!" I was feeling hyphie after watching this so decided to carry my newly-impowered ass
downtown to have a bit with a few friends. While waiting on a table I was approached by a rather handsome-looking young man, prehaps in his early 20's. Our conversation went as follows:
Boy:Well hello there.
Boy:Im Mark, and you are?
Me:Nice to meet you Mark, Im Married
Boy:Mary, thats a pretty name
Me:I said Married, not Mary
Boy:Oh ok. Can I buy you a drink?
I glance down at the stroller Im leaning on then at the watch Im wearing.......
Boy: So how about it?
Me:Im out with my child and its 11;23 in the morning. Who the hell drinking in this situation???
Boy:(noticing my friends are now laughing at him) Ill be right back, wait here.
Me: I think its apparent we're waiting on a table, where else would we go?
Boy: Haha ok ok, you got me. I'll be right back.
Mark goes off and returns with a friend with a name that wasnt impressive enough to remember......
Boy:Hey this is my friend Buttface
Buttface:Hello ladies. Thats a very pretty little woman you have there.
Me:Ummmmm.....he's a boy thank you very much.
Buttface: I was talking to him about you*flashes smile*
Me:Hmmm, clever.
Boy: We have a booth in the corner and its only the 2 of us. Would you ladies like to join us?
My slut ass friend senseing a fre meal in the works jumps at it. We sit down, i spend most of my time talking to Desmond so I dont feel like a 3rd wheel. Besides, Im talking to the hottest guy at the table anyway ^_^. So the check comes......
Buttface: I think we can get this in return for the company you ladies have provided us with.
Boy: Yeah, it was a pleasure.
Me: Well if you dont mind Ill pay for my own. I have to get something to go anyway.
Boy: Please let me.
Me: Fine
I then scan the menu and get 2 lobster tails wrapped in bacon and a order of goat cheese nachos.
Boy: Man, your a expensive date.
Me: Like I said, ill pay for it.
Boy: No no no, I got it. Money is no object.
Me: Ok wallstreet lololololol.
Carry-out comes to the table, they pay, we exchanges good bys and thank you's for the meal. Buttface gets the number from my slut friend so inturn Mark looks over at me.
Boy: Let me give you a buisness card. Just in case........
Me: Just in case what? (he's a producer) I wanna make a infomercial??
Boy: No haha....just in case you wanna hang out again. Bisides, I make beats.
Me:Oh ok. But here you go, Im not gonna call you.
Boy: Come on just keep it. I did just buy you lunch and dinner for later.
Me: No, you bought me a $12 cobb salad and and my husband a $35 homard et dîner de lard fumé.
Boy: What?? I bought that for your husband??
Me:Sure did. Maybe Ill give him your card and you 2 can go out for a drink or a movie
Buttface: I dont know why you was messing with her anyway cuz, you didnt see her playing with her ring everytime you said something?
Boy: Maaaaannnnnnn......this playa just got played. Its cool tho....not like you was a dime piece, at best you just something on the side, a plaything.
Now mind you Im wearing a ponytail, lip gloss no make-up, a t-shirt, some jeans(rather flattering I might add -_^) and some k-swiss....
Me: And it took you $47 and 2 hours to figure that out??
Boy: Whatever. Nice meeting you anyway Miss. Stuck-up
Me:Hey!!! The names Mary lololololol!!!
Moral to the story.....lobster taste better when you didnt buy it :)
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacreast Out!!!