i feel its important that i tell you about a person who is a liar and a thief to the worst extent,i will tell you this story by experiences and events that happened through times to wehre things didnt add up
first off ill tell you how i met this person, i went to a party a friend inv me to on home, then i ran into someone named acvjunior, when i introduced my self, she said "call me prix", um okay sure i said, then from there on out we became friends, and we started to hang out with eachother, then we started to talk about we both just came from breaking up with the home other halves, i just broke up with my gf, and she broke up with her bf, so, we both decided to remain friends,
one day i get a msg saying that she changed her name to prix-, and no longer was using the acvjunior name. at first i thought it was odd that a girl would use the name acvjunior, and wanted to be called prix, but i didnt think much of it. so a few weeks later, prix sends me a picture of her and from the picture she was very pretty, but it still didnt matter we were friends, so i started to get to know this person, she said that her name is priscilla vasquez shes 19 from san ysidro (san diego) and is a full fledged nurse (Rn) and has one sister named "van" and is 21, she grew up poor in mexico and that she had a father that died when she was young and has a birthday on may 29th (the day we met) and for some reason really really likes the song daylight by matt and kim
as time goes by we started to hang out everyday, and out friends notice it, and prix asked me if i had an msn account, i did, and i added her acvjunior@live.com , and we started to talk more on msn, well i finally got a chance to meet her sister van on msn, she seemed nice from what i known, one day i get a msg from van saying that "oh i got a new msn account name and i should delete that one, well i said sure, but i didnt delete the name i kept it, cause it was odd, for a few days earlier, prix gets a hold of me using another email msn name acvjunior1@yahoo.comand talks to me for a few days, but goes back to useing the acvjunior@live.com, so this change in emails seemed very strange to me, but, unfortunantly im a trusting person, i take ppl for their word, ik, gullible lol
well, few weeks later "vans" old account turns into some guy name ARTURO and the old prix account changes in to Andres Vasquez,

this was fucking weird, but let me go back to home for a second,because with the name change, i end up meeting andres on home since prix had her "cousin Andres over at her house" we were hanging out at my ghostbusterhouse and prix tells me that andres wanted her to go to his graduation, i was like you should go, prix was on the fence about it but then decided to go, then i asked what was his name he said andres, well my name is real name is andres as well, so i go on to say "andres is the best name in the galaxy" and prix's reply was "thanx"......why would prix thank me for saying that, wouldnt prix say "andres says thank you"? i just kept it to my self and made a mental note
with all the name changes on msn i didnt say much of really anything,for one day i was talking to prix online and van showed up and said meet my "friend" arturo and that van just met him at a wal mart and didnt know how to set up a msn account and they gave vans old one, so we all talk, and such he said his name was arturo rodriguez, but i thought it was odd about the whole situation but said nothing.
on home prix started to get to know everyone i knew and added them and would hang out with them, out of respect i will not name anynames for i know some ppl who visit this site knows this person.
then me and prix started to get serious about eachother, i wasnt looking for anything like that, but we hung out everyday and it just happened. so i asked her out and we were together and life was virtual peachy.later on, a friend of mine was able to get the penthouse and it was only available thru ppl who had the info via email. prix told me she had it and i told her to send it via email she did, but with the email account she sent me it said Priscilla M. i took a double take on it and i look up the link, well, it was priscilla, but for a person named priscilla moales..wtf?
i thought her last name was vasquez!? i got pissed, i approached her about it cause there are soo many name changes and emails being switched around that none of this made any sense, she told me that she had to hide from some people who were stalking her so she and her "cousins" switched around accounts but heres the supposed priscilla vasquez account
still says priscilla M to my screen,
okay on home, well, this person has made some really wild stories regarding who she is ill go by what prix tells me and then what prix tells other people
me:i have an older sister named van whos 21
them:i have a younger sister named van about 17
me:im a full fledged nurse i need one more year to be a ER nurse
them:im going to school to become a nurse
then she told one of my friends, who is african american, that when she was at work one day that she saw two black dudes fighting outside the hospital on the street over a bucket of chicken,um...what!?
prix told me that her sister in law didnt Want to take care of her own kids anymore so, prix and van had to take care of them, one 11 and the other 3, and told me that she was the only one working, so money is very tight....but then they go to mexico a week later for a wedding, i thought they didnt have any money?
few days after they came back, prix posted a message in my clubhouse that she wouldnt be able to keep the house because they are taking care of them, well another flag came up, a 19 year old whos the only one working, living in a house, and always had the weekends off, because i asked if she could work the weekends for extra pay, she said no, then she tells two of my friends that she was going to have to file for bankruptcy because she needed $2200 for a new condo she was purchasing....19 years old and buying a new condo!?
well, she sent everyone pictures of her being the made of honor in the wedding, well i saw the pictures and...they look nothing like the girl in the pictures she sent me, her excuse was that her hair was longer and she was wearing no make up.
one day prix tells me that she has to take iris to the dr cause she was really sick and that ashley the 11 year old niece was gonna play home, and that she dosent know how to play so, show her the ropes, fine i said, i get on home and i wait for her to msg me to where she is, intead i get an invite, and i meet ash, suppsosedly for the first time, but instead of going directly to central plaza, she somehow knew how to post picture frames and switch pictures in each frame, and was asking me about everyone on home that i knew, basically trying to get information from me, well this goes on for 15 minutes with the picture swapping and such, then i ask her, "huh, how long have you been on home?" her replay"only five seconds" odd, only five seconds and knows how to put up frames swap pictures and send invites?
time goes by, and im falling for priscilla vasquez, hard, i would compliment her everyday, i would write her poetry every other weekend (any one wants to read one of them msg me :P)
i mean i was crazy for her, and i started to really care for this girl,
we were hangin out at my personal space and a friend came over and asked if we were ever gonna meet, then we both said, idk, then the next day i bring it up, "well weve been going out for an entire month, lets say we meet up in december? she said well see
well two days later a friend of mine sent me a msg via xmb, saying that she REALLY needs to talk to me, "its about prix..." she says
i get on msn, and my friend tells me that she gets on msn and talks to prix and says that she wanted to leave me, and regretted ever saying yes to going out with, and was scared that i wanted to meet her in person.
i was distraught, i was hurt, and i was actually depressed over her
well a few days ago, a friend of mine told me to get on myspace and see an old hs friend from 7 years ago, so i did, i forgot i had a myspace. when i was on myspace i glanced at my msn contacts, and i saw prix's email acvjunior@live.com, a match showes up. it turned out that it was some guy named carlos, whos a racer, (hence the name prix) from mexico who grew up poor and his father died!
then i looked at acvjunior1@yahoo.com prix's old email it showes up as this
Andres Vasquez, age 19 from san ysidro
his birthday, MAY 29th LOVES THE SONG DAYLIGHT BY MATT AND KIM and everyone who knows prix, knows that he typed exactly like this little fucker
and Arturo Rodriguez, "vans bf" well on acvjunior@live.coms myspace this person makes a comment on "prix's" account

Arturo Rodriguez 17 m from san ysidro and it turns out to be his neighbor and i had an interesting little chat with this person

this is prix's youtube account
reason im bringin this up is because prix