Oh hell no! This story begins with me going into the new MotorStorm space one day last week with a couple friends that will remain unnamed. I'm in there for maybe 20 minutes. Me & my girl leave and go to the plaza where I start getting messages from some random dude (Yung816) asking me "What's good with you". Mofo everything is good with me but where the hell did you come from?? He says he saw me in MotorStorm. About this same time I'm telling my girl hey this random dude from that space keeps messaging me. Well well well it turns out this same mofo is messaging her too asking the same shit.
So this dude bugs me for a few days to add him & send him a picture. Now ya'll that know me know that I don't send my pix to random mofos.
Anyway I finally friend the dude and he sends me this picture, supposedly of himself......looks like some Myspace picture he pulled.
So he says OK I sent one now you send me one of you. Keep in mind this whole time I had no fkn intentions of sending this dude a damn thing. So I blow him off for another day. Next day I sign in and get the instant message from this dude like where is my picture??
This is what I sent in response to him:
OK look, I'm not trying to be a bitch here but I already told you to move along...nothing to see here. I'm just a country ass white girl that likes to game.
Would you believe this mofo deletes me after getting my message? WTF he don't like white people?
Bottom line....Yung816 don't like white people!!!
Welcome to The Sose Project MOFO!!!!!!!!!!!