Wednesday, October 28, 2009

kill bill changed my life

yo alright so 1.32 is up for ps home and guess what guys!!! it blows dick.

anyways so i finally sat down the other day and committed like 6 hours of my day to watch kill bill volumes 1 and 2 and omg it changed the way i look at life ohhhh emmmm geeee like i practically shit my pants it was like silly mixed in with epic mixed with sad mixed with more epic omg seriously why did nobody tell me a movie could make me want to laugh cry and punch somebody in the balls all at the same time.

the main character is this hot blonde girl (shocker) who is a killer for hire and she wanted to settle down and have a baby so her crazy ex boyfriend and a gang of nasties come and kill everyone at the wedding recidal and then shoot her in the head...yea right in the dome...and she wakes up to a guy trying to screw her while she's in a coma and BLAMM bites his fuckin' tongue off and proceeds to be a total badass throughout the whole remainder of the movie.

like holy crap i highly suggest this movie to anyone who likes blood boobs ninja swords sweaty white girls angry gun toting rednecks poisonous snakes old men who can punch a hole in someone from 3 inches away and dramatic camera angles.basically it's one of the best movies i ever saw and i think it's definitely worth checkin' out. yea this has nothing to do with anything except that it's totally awesome.

i mean i'm probably the only person who never watched it but if i'm not alone ohhhh man watch it.I DARE's aweeeesommmeeeeee.

anyways home totally licks sack right now psn is still psn the world is not round but in fact hexagonal and i'm so hungry i could eat a....something large and ummm covered in hot sauce yeahhhhhhhh.ok i'm sorry for wasting your time but whatever KILL BILL OWNNNNSSSSSSSSS.