well 1.3 is out and jeez man it's lame my PS3 has never froze so many times i mean really i had to uninstall and reinstall PlayStation home,many people had this problem and it runs suuuuuuperrrrrr slow i don't get it.Anyways apparently it's breast cancer awareness month.Show support and change your home pop up color to pink and not the dark pink that really bright semi-homosexual looking pink that sort of makes you want to vomit when you see it...yeah that pink.It's for a really good cause I've been told so yeah every little bit helps do your part if you can let people know what this month is.That's all i really have to say this being my 1st blog and what not I'm really quite awful at this sort of thing it's not often that i blog or network or...whatever but i think it's kind of neat anyways ummmmmm yeah.
Actually I'm gonna rant a little about this 1.3 business, i really don't like it that much they took away the bench glitch in the plaza and such everything is running slow it's just sort of a mess...but there are some positives i suppose.I enjoy the poses that avatars can hold it adds a little bit of realism to it but i don't like the menu's (when you hit R1) it took me like five minutes to find "point" and now when you change clothes you must press X or you won't get to wear the clothes you just keep what you have on the little loading bubble things are just dumb i don't really understand the new stuff in the plaza.There is what appears to be a large metal gear or gundam or something by the video screen theres a map in the spot that used to be an empty circle which really doesn't bug me there is a ridiculous saucer pop scoreboard placed smack dab in the middle of the spot where most people tend to hang out which is especially bothersome now that you can't stand on the bench, there isn't enough room i really haven't checked out any other spaces so I'm not sure what's new.I used the game launching feature they added and...it sucks i launched rock band 2 and lost the person i was playing with instantly although launching games from home is convenient it's not put together good enough for my tastes i had to add the guy as a friend to play and send an invite just like regularly so really all the game launching did for me was start my game which i could have done off of home.And WTF i still can't listen to my music!!!!! I'm furious i want to jam to my tunes while performing the incredibly stupid new ska dance that looks alot like a fat kid drowning in a bath tub.But if you do the ska dance in a circle it appears that your a bunch of people high on PCP playing hacky sack...yay? There are a couple ways to sit that have been added frankly the one they added for girls is just dumb but i like the ability as a male avatar to squat down to one knee that is a plus for me rather then sitting cross legged as always...why can't girls sit cross legged?Or lay down or something cool at least.The poses are okay some are dumb but the "get ready" pose is pretty cool and lead to some fun conversations i like that pose at least but most of the male poses are kind of stupid while females can do the "model" pose which makes them look like a mannequin at JC penny's ready to fall over. Well yeah that's basically all i have to say about that.