Yeah, I named the blog after an MJ song. So fucking what?
I'm sure I've told you this already, but I want everyone to know about it because I'm too fucking proud of you to keep it just between the two of us. Jen, I think we're all aware of what you've been through and the situation you're in by now, and I find it truly amazing that no matter what, you're still a great person to this day. I honestly don't think I could handle half the shit you have to put up with, and the fact that you can and STILL be who you are says a lot about you. I'm not gonna lie, I remember the first time you told me you loved me I was so happy I cried tears of joy. That's something that has never happened to me before. Nobody has ever made me feel this way until you came along.
Before we ever really started talking, I used to give my niece (by marriage) a hard time. Why I did it I don't know (maybe it was a bit of jealousy on my part that she was getting all this attention while it seemed like I wasn't getting any anymore), but after hearing about your daughter and just how good of a mother you are to her, it made me realize I would never want to treat her that way and made me feel so bad for ever treating my niece how I did that I apologized to her and gave her a hug. I never even really used to pray at all, but I have so much to be thankful for now that you've come into my life I pray every night before I go to bed. You've turned me into such a better person and I just want to thank you for everything you've ever done for me and I feel like I owe you the world because that's exactly what you are to me.
Yeah, it may be true we haven't seen each other in person just yet, but I just can't help the way I feel about you. I've gotten to know you so well over the last few months and I absolutely love everything about you. You're honest, loyal, trustworthy, funny, and just so fucking beautiful in more ways than one. You're simply the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want everyone to know about it because I'm just so honored to be a part of your life and don't want to ever be taken out of it. And I know you're not used to being treated this way, but you better get used to it because it's the only way I'm ever gonna be treating you. You truly deserve it.
In closing, I'm gonna leave you with this: Jen, I love you. So much, in fact, that I refuse to ever give up on you. This is something I want to last forever, and if you feel the same way, then that's exactly how long we'll be together. Thank you once again for giving me a chance when it seemed like you wouldn't ever date again. I promise you I won't treat you like the other two did because I know just how good I've got it and wouldn't know what I'd do without it. It's one of the main things I can look at when I'm feeling down about something and cheer me up the same time I start thinking about it. Maybe that's why I'm in such a good mood all the time because I always am.