Hello, I am theee new sose. -bows- i am more sweet, and understanding then the past sose. I will not blog randomize Bs, just what i experience when i sign onto playstation home or any other game that i play...
If you have soseductive_icey on your friendslist you will see that i play a lot of grand theft auto 4. Yes i do use the mic. Feel free to join and play.

My 1st few minutes in the new plaza just trying to see how the new game launcher works.
Well its fine i guess at least we get 1 but you still have to create the game once you launch everyone. Well i was standing there and i must ask guy GAMERS!. What is with you Dancing in front of female avatars and posing????

This goonie guy. He's following me around dancing. posing (new poses) and acting really retarded. I asked him to leave and he just kept walking up to me. Un-till finally he said "whats that in your hand" i said... "leave before i hit you with it" and he ran... Just look at him... the looks of his avatars face made me want to throw up lunch take him to GTA and shoot his face un till the pix-elated blood started to disappear. I wanted to decapitate his head like that sons of samide guy on saints row 2. Speaking of them. Doesn't he resemble one of those bastards? i mean. Sony we have bugg-a-boo's on home. help...