Girl U Fyn!!! Can I shoot u in the face.............
I dont play many games that put player vs player. Im more of a teamwork kinda girl myself. Take for instance when Im playing Burnout Paradise, personally I like to do challenges and stuff like that. The other night I was playing and a guy kept taking me out while I was trying to set a time challenge up. So I kicked him from the game. I promptly received a "y u kik me" message. I stated that I was trying to do something and he wasnt taken that into consideration. Then he said "well, I was trying to get ur attention". FUCKING WHY??? Im playing a game, why are you trying to get my attention. Is it the vagina? I think its the vagina. Im sure my male friends dont have problems with other guys trying to get their attention during a game. Then I desided to play a little COD4 because I hardly ever play it but it is a fun game, I just suck at it worst than a Iron worker giving a hand job wearing a weilders glove. Oh.....and did I mention the iron worker is handicap and cant go out in public because he has a bad habit of punching little kids on the street because they remind him of his lost childhood................the childhood he lost because he's handicap -_-. Anyhoo...Im that bad. So Im in the lobby and a guy says...Hey a girl!! Im gonna be all on her ass!! Watch me kill her like 20 times*fill with stupid boys laughing*".......well he was right, he did kill me like 20 times. The next round he started asking all these questions about blowjobs. The funny thing is that all the other guys playing with us started answering him lol. "Not u guys, the girl" I was pretty pissed because I hate being singled out because Im a girl and I play games. So I quit the game and watched a movie. Then this ass-box sends me a message asking if I wanna chat....* *.............yeah, I was speechless. Why on Earth would I wanna talk to you after your massive display of Im-a-guy-and-i-get-a-hardone-outta-showing-up-ladies-ism???? Check this kiddo......If you beat me in a game Im not gonna fuck you or give you a blow job. At best you'll get a "good job". Beat me at Rockband2 or Buzz and I may opt for a handjob, but thats as far as Im willing to go.
The BenchMob(TM) is dead..........
Its offical. Something that started off so wonderful has become crap. Actually it fell apart when Candi left. That was the first time I had to leave friends to be with a friend. I should have let it go then but I couldnt watch it die, not like that. I had to "save" it. By design, The BenchMob worked because we all had the same friends. Then more people start coming around and more drama started happening. I tried to nip it at the bud by inviting everybody that was beefing to my apt to talk and for a while it work. But too many people started hating each other and I was left in the middle. It was BanchMob/Sose, now it seems like BanchMob vs Sose. Im not gonna let it end like that. We had some great times on that bench and I dont want everybody thinking about who they hate and all that crap. Bench, you were a good girl but to much bullshit and drama has made your wood weak and your supports unstable. May people refer to you as awesome and not the place were "I met that bitch so-n-so".........PS Home Plaza Center Bench Dec 17 2008- July 31 2009.
Delete *insert name here* because Im not their friend and your my friend.......
My friends list is.......conflicting to say the least. I have all these friends that dont like each other. It doesnt bother me but I may bother you all lol. Personally I dont give a shit if any of you like each other, as long as you get along with me. Im not friends with people because my friends are friends with them. That silly. Im friends because I like hanging with whoever the target maybe. I didnt even delete Romeo. Hellz, I didnt even have plans on deleting him. My response was well accepted and I thought it was over. Ive argued with all my friends. I like arguing lol. Another viewpoint on a subject cant be all bad right lol? But Im not gonna delete people because they dont get along. All Im asking is if you dont like somebody, dont talk to them. Dont have me sitting in the middle while you e-fight over internet stuff. Just ignore them and move on. At least consider my feelings on the matter
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacrest Out!!!
The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Friday, July 31, 2009
I just Recorded a video of this fucking Dude... and omfg!!! all i have to say is he don't give UP!! even after telling him i would Record it... and put it on youtube! he still wanted to do it. We got in a chat with him and didnt say nothing... he started FEELING ON HIMSELF FOR NO REASON!!!! AHHHH WTF!!! video!!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Mastermind
Where should I begind. Let's see you go by various names. So...Trevor/Courtney/Ice/Snow/Candy this is all for you. Let me see you were a cool guy/girl at first..We could talk and just have fun and it was comfortable and you could always make me laugh..but then we started dating it started out fine..we I guess were one of the cutest couples around (when you were Ice) but here's when it went bad..We started to find out more and more about each other...and I realised you were a complete deuch and still are. One you used to let me tell you anything and be there for me. Now I can only say shit that's right in your mind..if it doesn't please you or is something I need to comfort on you shrug it off and make me feel like a complete waste of space..all because you didn't wanna fucking hear it. Well let me say this..what about all those times I stayed up all night and multiple times in a fucking row just so you'd be happy..then i just need you to give me a simple fucking hug and you push me off like I'm just dirt on your shoulder. Lets see you know about my did something that triggered it one night..and when I said I needed time to get it off my fucking mind you said you wouldn't push yet asked me over and over when I'd be fucking ready again then acted like my relapse was fake and I just wasn't interested in having sex or even talking about it..well let me say this. I fucking HATE when that subject comes up. You saw how I was when Cloud and Zenolith came around you just sat there like a fucking pussy and let them say I deserved to be raped that I liked every second of it..etc.. Then Deja points out you failed on being the boyfriend you say you are and you run away like a little bitch and get mad at me for agreeing with her. Who the fuck stands there and lets their girlfriend get attacked like that?!?! Well let me see..recently you've been going through i don't even want to call it bipolar cause now that i think about it i see it as a fucking joke. So you told me about a month or so ago you were going through a bipolar cycle i tried my fucking hardest to do the things that make it better. What do you do? You call me a cheating bitch and a liar. HA! For a whole mother fucking month you made me feel like a bitch cause i couldn't help you. So finally I had enough and ended this shitty fucking relationship to move on with my life. You know I bawled my eyes out for hours. I acted fine around friends and family. The truth was I didn't want to end it I hoped it would all settle and go back to the way we were. Then what do you know. I finally get the courage to turn my phone back on. You left me two texts saying you were planning to dump me a month ago but wanted to wait..then that this "cycle" ended less than a week after it started and that this friend of yours Kayla has been living with you the whole fucking time and that you cheated on me..but still didn't want to break up with me while i was going through a bad time. So you fucking cheat?! HA! You're a fucking pathetic loser. I hope she works out for you. You made me lose friends a whole lot of em who didn't deserve what they went through because of you. You turned me into someone I didn't even know. It's so bad that it's going to take me a long time to truely find myself again. You know you're a waste of life. You used my depression against me too. Recently i just found out my mom was being abused by my father who is now not here anymore. I texted you that morning scared and didn't know what to do. You just told me that it was nothing, you were used to it and that it would all be over soon. FUCK YOU! My mom is now been off and on in the ER so thank you for saying she'd be fine and get over it. once again FUCK YOU. You deserve to burn in hell. Hell you even acted like a punk bitch because I was raped and certain things would trigger my relapses and when I said I couldn't you were nice at first but kept pushing me...that's wrong. You also went against my morals..if you were who you said you wouldn't even consider crossing them..knowing what pain it causes. You're a useless bastard. I truely hope that you don't return to PSN or even Sose but if you do I wish you the fucking best of luck. You'll need it. So whatever I'm done here. I have more to say but I've said enough. SO Trevor fuck you and fuck your little fake life.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I have a complaint.... not knowing if its true. But i heard this particular mod was "aware" of the sose project and Was recieving names of our staff... showing mods up to bann us.... ok. For the most part im not bitter about that. GW if u did it... fine. you busted me for TEXT abuse... and hate speech. I get that... you can hate on me.... for this because now its my time to hate on GW...
1st of all im sose... notorious for running my font at people who DISRESPECT me. Because they lose, they get bitter and report me. Fine, I get that. IF this is true that you went of your way to take me down just because of my website being so controversial. Then so fuckin b it dude...or women. I started this shit as a joke. When Kdizzle was on it. It was Pure entertainment. Why because thats where she ran it... When i gave her the boot... i started payin attention to more perverted shit and peto's...
Lol for GlassWalls to show in a server and talk about sony's inside access about being in officess late nights and what not, And not actually MODDING the server... come on glass? SATAIN IS A SWEETHEART!?? be Serious...
Then discussing what other Mod's do?? did Once glass walls be professional? Not sose's eyes. I saw a Regular avatar in a MOD jacket, with a White glowing Font talking about things that shouldn't be discussed with regular avatars...
yea lol...

Reminds me of "HizzleD" K...Dizzle... lol yea ok!!
1st of all im sose... notorious for running my font at people who DISRESPECT me. Because they lose, they get bitter and report me. Fine, I get that. IF this is true that you went of your way to take me down just because of my website being so controversial. Then so fuckin b it dude...or women. I started this shit as a joke. When Kdizzle was on it. It was Pure entertainment. Why because thats where she ran it... When i gave her the boot... i started payin attention to more perverted shit and peto's...
Lol for GlassWalls to show in a server and talk about sony's inside access about being in officess late nights and what not, And not actually MODDING the server... come on glass? SATAIN IS A SWEETHEART!?? be Serious...
Reminds me of "HizzleD" K...Dizzle... lol yea ok!!
Its been hard trying to catch people in the act.... for instance this guy here smokinJACK09.... i think he's a child. Me and Smexx went to go bowling, and this guy kept asking "do you want to go to my private space and talk nasty?" uhhhh OK!????
The fuck is going on?!??
pretending to be a female avatar to hand out blow jobs to male 1's..... dude... wtf... ghettosmurf... after i told his perverted azz dotz was a damn dude.... ghetto still says "Suck me" .... wow....
The SoSe Project...
lets just Say, I KNOW WHO U ARE!.... but u think i don't know..
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Oh My God! after being on a HIATUS! whew... i aint blogged n a Minute! Well i guess its because i feel like mutha fkin RANTING!! w00t! being on home and doing the website is hard fkin Work. When i do come on home i see that SHT JUST DONT CHANGE I MEAN OMG!! look!!!
IsshinKurosaki....18 your old preditor

The Sad part is... I got Raz and Smexxi to come to a Chat with him and talk to him. See where it goes... i was going to Record it and they where going to continue with the 16 yr old girl scenario. This Dude is fking 18 willing to jack off with young girls. MEN! once ur fking 18... theres NO LOOKING BACKWARDS!. LOOK FORWARD. young GIRLS have fathers with Huge GUNS who will kill you. Even WORSE, if i wouldnt of caught you and some FBI agent would of caught you. Your Door probably would of been kicked in... jesus CHRIST. People need to think now days...
Run by Dancin fks!

This piece of Sht Is a Racist, Nonsense. 1st time I saw IT. It was a DARK avartar... i mean Super Dark... and calling people the NBomb. Just like NGGrs-SUK
yea.... this is gettin disturbing. Parents i know its Summer time and all. But you have kids on here this summer with this BULLSHIT! i can't clean up home with these kids on here acting like this. Its now rediculous. All of my targets have been KIDS! immature... lamebops... Anyway. I brought that Brittney person into Smexxi's logg cabin and we SOSE ASSUALTED it. It didnt speak back. All it does was typed Nbombs. We went back to central plaza and it began to CONTINUE To DISTURB PEOPLE ON HOME... sigh...

Now look at this... just because i was a Girl... i got a RANDOM message like this... wow... FETISH much!? on lil GIRLS.... wowsers... if i was a girl i'd be fuckin scared this mofo would try to come to my house... wow...

Then When i TOLD him i was putting him on blast he sent another message Subject: "me again" wow. I mean intentional PERVS! WTF is going on this Summer?? its fkin Hot... and i can't deal with it. All i do is get online and this Crap happens... Seriously HATERS!. if you do not believe me. Turn into a FEMALE avatar. betcha cant last for 10 mins. you will Have RUN BY ADDS, RANDOM MESSAGES... ETC!!
I didn't catch the other girl BUT...
This Chick was online, with another friend... they were dressed the EXACT same. I forgot the other PSN. Because she left.... but... They were online begging for PSN CARDS and BEGGING For CREDIT CARDS.... CONTRARY to POPULAR BELIEVE. M&Ms gets CC cards and PSN' cards yes... but he Tells them. To leave him alone. They keep harrasing him. He tells them SIMPLY.... if you want my attention... pay me. And GOD DAYUM! DO THEY PAY HIM!. They pay him n CC cards and PSN cards JUST for him to send them pix. if thats Not DESPERATE!?? then i dont know what is. These chicks on the other hand where actually walking around Asking for PSN cards etc... i mean people. Stop accusing us for this kind of stuff.
And SoSe proj is also cleaning UP THE SWITCHERWOOS. IM tired of Switches giving us a bad name because its "fun" to them. We dont get on here and flirt with NOBODY!.... switchers come on home and they turn into a girl. Talk dirty. then get on the mic at there apartment on some gay stuff talking to the guy... Then they call it fun... thats LAME!!
This is what WE DO NOW...
if you want to Text fight us... nah come on the mic. No more text nothing... w record it and put it on youtube... see who ACTUALLY WINS!!
IsshinKurosaki....18 your old preditor
The Sad part is... I got Raz and Smexxi to come to a Chat with him and talk to him. See where it goes... i was going to Record it and they where going to continue with the 16 yr old girl scenario. This Dude is fking 18 willing to jack off with young girls. MEN! once ur fking 18... theres NO LOOKING BACKWARDS!. LOOK FORWARD. young GIRLS have fathers with Huge GUNS who will kill you. Even WORSE, if i wouldnt of caught you and some FBI agent would of caught you. Your Door probably would of been kicked in... jesus CHRIST. People need to think now days...
Run by Dancin fks!
This piece of Sht Is a Racist, Nonsense. 1st time I saw IT. It was a DARK avartar... i mean Super Dark... and calling people the NBomb. Just like NGGrs-SUK
Now look at this... just because i was a Girl... i got a RANDOM message like this... wow... FETISH much!? on lil GIRLS.... wowsers... if i was a girl i'd be fuckin scared this mofo would try to come to my house... wow...
Then When i TOLD him i was putting him on blast he sent another message Subject: "me again" wow. I mean intentional PERVS! WTF is going on this Summer?? its fkin Hot... and i can't deal with it. All i do is get online and this Crap happens... Seriously HATERS!. if you do not believe me. Turn into a FEMALE avatar. betcha cant last for 10 mins. you will Have RUN BY ADDS, RANDOM MESSAGES... ETC!!
I didn't catch the other girl BUT...
And SoSe proj is also cleaning UP THE SWITCHERWOOS. IM tired of Switches giving us a bad name because its "fun" to them. We dont get on here and flirt with NOBODY!.... switchers come on home and they turn into a girl. Talk dirty. then get on the mic at there apartment on some gay stuff talking to the guy... Then they call it fun... thats LAME!!
This is what WE DO NOW...
if you want to Text fight us... nah come on the mic. No more text nothing... w record it and put it on youtube... see who ACTUALLY WINS!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
My brain is full so I'm gonna empty it.......Mommy Edition!!
Babies shit every 23 seconds apparently.
He's only been here a week but I know Im totally his favorite parent.
I can change a diaper Im under 5 mins now without getting poop on my hands.
Demond loves me so much he didnt even rip my vajaja on the way out!!
After 27 years of only caring for myself this motherhood buisness took some time to get use to.
Lucky for him it was only a day lol.
My husband is a better father than I am a mother.
Apparently all my weight wasnt baby weight.
I tried heating a bottle on the stove and testing it on my arm and burned myself silly.
I feel like a god.(more so than I already did)
Having a child is the single most awesome thing Ive ever done.
And Ive done some awesome shit!!!
Dont hold a baby upside down.
Their vomit does not taste like oatmeal no matter what it looks like.
I finally have a family.
Desmond has a nickname, its mommy's little dookie monster ^_^.
Sometimes I feel like Im in over my head.
All of a sudden I started giving a shit about the enviorment.
I thought he would be more active than he is.
When He starts crying my heart pounds.
I think I might consider maybe going to church.
I am now offically FEARLESS!!!!!
Im still not gonna use spell check ;)
Im done.
Peace^ A-Town Down Seacrest(and baby ^_^) Out!!!!
He's only been here a week but I know Im totally his favorite parent.
I can change a diaper Im under 5 mins now without getting poop on my hands.
Demond loves me so much he didnt even rip my vajaja on the way out!!
After 27 years of only caring for myself this motherhood buisness took some time to get use to.
Lucky for him it was only a day lol.
My husband is a better father than I am a mother.
Apparently all my weight wasnt baby weight.
I tried heating a bottle on the stove and testing it on my arm and burned myself silly.
I feel like a god.(more so than I already did)
Having a child is the single most awesome thing Ive ever done.
And Ive done some awesome shit!!!
Dont hold a baby upside down.
Their vomit does not taste like oatmeal no matter what it looks like.
I finally have a family.
Desmond has a nickname, its mommy's little dookie monster ^_^.
Sometimes I feel like Im in over my head.
All of a sudden I started giving a shit about the enviorment.
I thought he would be more active than he is.
When He starts crying my heart pounds.
I think I might consider maybe going to church.
I am now offically FEARLESS!!!!!
Im still not gonna use spell check ;)
Im done.
Peace^ A-Town Down Seacrest(and baby ^_^) Out!!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Trophy Whores
Later i find out that he has 15 platinum trophies!!!!!
I interviewed this guy because his story is rather interesting, he practically cant go a day without trying to find a way to get platinum trophies and hes good at it, he loves to compete for trophies and gains respect from a some amount of gamers. Usually tho he gets comments from people saying he has no life and many others want to add him as a friend because of how many trophies he does have. His talents for gettin trophies is abused tho because he always gets random friend requests and people always ask him to help them get platnum trophies for themselfs. He goes to and and makes guides to help other people who struggle with ways to get trophies. From actual people asking him for help specifically he would charge at least a dollar to help them get a platnum trophy, and some trophies are really fucking hard to get. He explained that GTA IV AWP trophy is one of the hardest trophies to achieve and he still had people wanting him to get those hard as fuck trophies for him, he felt under paid and there were some people who wanted him to do it for free.
After his 14 platinum he stopped giving a damn because he would get too overwhelmed with people asking him all the time and it just wasnt worth it anymore. His Reputation on home is being a Trophy Whore, respected or hated, he does occasionally help his friends who might need help here and there on certain trophies and he will gladly give advise. He doesnt give a fuck on what people say about him, his reputation is proclaimed from what he enjoys by his accomplishments. BY GETTING PLATINUM TROPHIES!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Well some ppl dont learn.

First off...Excuse the theme what can I say my ps3 gotta be Cute too! So I turned on my ps3 after some footage and this show on MTV. and behold! Bow Wow is back talking bout he on Ok first off is a site were ppl talk about random stuff, and yea i didnt see anything latley about Bow Wow, and also he said he took that from a webcam. Obviously thats a poparazzii pic. even before i told him i was gona expose him and i told him again right before i wrote this. he insist on proving he Bow Wow. If you Bow Wow take a pic and say told ya Razy then ill belive it. Pffft! Why do people lie for no reason? Its sad when you dont like the way God made you. Accept the fact your a lier and your NOT BOW WOW!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Odder (my moms home) is at it again
Mr... "we got a problem baby..." is back at it again...
i got a hour long blank video of him ranting about how he lies... and masturbates lol the women n the video is you know who...
i got a hour long blank video of him ranting about how he lies... and masturbates lol the women n the video is you know who...
Friday, July 3, 2009
A week in Razziies WorLD :)

WeLL in other news i cam across the funniest thing well ladies and Gentlemen i present a FAKE ASS BOWWOW! like r u kiddin me. ur bow wow and ur on home. and the funny thing was Bowwow didnt remeber nun of his latest songs. First off me and my Homie monterz aka the Gift was chillin in the plaza. Dude name was "Cougerpride2012". he claimed he had a million followers and was bragging about myspaces that wasnt even his. saying he

LOL and more. so me and M&M was Coolin in the plaza and some guy who was 18 and magically turned 13 wanted to have an orgasm. so with a little "tell me what u wana do" and "Tell me more" he came spitting out all the nastiest things u would neva tought a little 13 year old would say. At first he told us he was 18 and when i told him i was 13 he shrunk down to 13. yay my lucky day huh. wow smh once again little home internet liers. so sad.

Shout out to all my PPlz who was there to whitness this craziieness with me plenty more to come this was only the start of the beg
Thursday, July 2, 2009
this video is where we shouted out the ladies...
And CbriBri public ally flirted with rome.... lol FUNNY SHIT WE LOVE U CBRIBRI!!
And CbriBri public ally flirted with rome.... lol FUNNY SHIT WE LOVE U CBRIBRI!!
So......................I've been in labor 11 hours now but because I haven't dilated 10 centimeters the doctor has seen fit to send my ass back home WITH NO PAIN KILLERS to, as he says "wait it out". Does Deja gotta slap a bitch????? It's as if the lower half of my body is fighting the upper half only the lower half has a problem with guns and knives and other things of war and has decided that maybe it could try to talk the top half out of it while upper half is marching across the battle field singing songs of old because its ALREADY FUCKING WON THE WAR!!! I was told to go home, relax with some wine and lite music, and don't do anything to get my heart rate up. Well I came back home, ate, and had a glass of Merlot wine. Well apparently it's been a while since I've had a drink cause after 1 1/2 glasses I was as drunk as a fat bridesmaid at a open bar wedding. Not wanting to drink alone cause it makes me feel like a alcoholic my husband had a few shots of GG. Needless to say soon after I was trying to do the booty dance but was reminded that I wasn't supposed to do anything exciting/fun. At that point I mumbled something to the tone of FUCK YOU and waddled my way to the living room where I watched some tv. I watched a movie called "Rolemodels" but instead of enjoying it I kept daydreaming about the many different ways I could kill Paul Rudd with a Vibe Magazine. After that adventure I thought it would be a great idea to get on home and crack some jokes with my e-buddies. I spent the first hour not talking to anybody because I was mad at all my male friends because they could possible to this to a woman and pissed at all my female friends because none of the whores have any children so they have no idea what I'm going thru anyway. Then I spent the next hour bitching about the pain to anybody that would listen. I even blessed a plaza bear with my story for 23 mins. I tried to talk to my husband but he just coward in the corner on the computer like i was the evil step-mother and he was the abused step child I threw rotten eggplants at and spit wads of brain lubricate on.
I'm cranky. I'll talk to you ass-hats after I relieve myself of the demonic spawn that has decided to attach its self to the wall of my uterus.
Peace^, A-Town Down Seacre.......awwww Fuck you guys.
I'm cranky. I'll talk to you ass-hats after I relieve myself of the demonic spawn that has decided to attach its self to the wall of my uterus.
Peace^, A-Town Down Seacre.......awwww Fuck you guys.
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