Later i find out that he has 15 platinum trophies!!!!!
I interviewed this guy because his story is rather interesting, he practically cant go a day without trying to find a way to get platinum trophies and hes good at it, he loves to compete for trophies and gains respect from a some amount of gamers. Usually tho he gets comments from people saying he has no life and many others want to add him as a friend because of how many trophies he does have. His talents for gettin trophies is abused tho because he always gets random friend requests and people always ask him to help them get platnum trophies for themselfs. He goes to and and makes guides to help other people who struggle with ways to get trophies. From actual people asking him for help specifically he would charge at least a dollar to help them get a platnum trophy, and some trophies are really fucking hard to get. He explained that GTA IV AWP trophy is one of the hardest trophies to achieve and he still had people wanting him to get those hard as fuck trophies for him, he felt under paid and there were some people who wanted him to do it for free.
After his 14 platinum he stopped giving a damn because he would get too overwhelmed with people asking him all the time and it just wasnt worth it anymore. His Reputation on home is being a Trophy Whore, respected or hated, he does occasionally help his friends who might need help here and there on certain trophies and he will gladly give advise. He doesnt give a fuck on what people say about him, his reputation is proclaimed from what he enjoys by his accomplishments. BY GETTING PLATINUM TROPHIES!!!