Babies shit every 23 seconds apparently.
He's only been here a week but I know Im totally his favorite parent.
I can change a diaper Im under 5 mins now without getting poop on my hands.
Demond loves me so much he didnt even rip my vajaja on the way out!!
After 27 years of only caring for myself this motherhood buisness took some time to get use to.
Lucky for him it was only a day lol.
My husband is a better father than I am a mother.
Apparently all my weight wasnt baby weight.
I tried heating a bottle on the stove and testing it on my arm and burned myself silly.
I feel like a god.(more so than I already did)
Having a child is the single most awesome thing Ive ever done.
And Ive done some awesome shit!!!
Dont hold a baby upside down.
Their vomit does not taste like oatmeal no matter what it looks like.
I finally have a family.
Desmond has a nickname, its mommy's little dookie monster ^_^.
Sometimes I feel like Im in over my head.
All of a sudden I started giving a shit about the enviorment.
I thought he would be more active than he is.
When He starts crying my heart pounds.
I think I might consider maybe going to church.
I am now offically FEARLESS!!!!!
Im still not gonna use spell check ;)
Im done.
Peace^ A-Town Down Seacrest(and baby ^_^) Out!!!!