IsshinKurosaki....18 your old preditor
The Sad part is... I got Raz and Smexxi to come to a Chat with him and talk to him. See where it goes... i was going to Record it and they where going to continue with the 16 yr old girl scenario. This Dude is fking 18 willing to jack off with young girls. MEN! once ur fking 18... theres NO LOOKING BACKWARDS!. LOOK FORWARD. young GIRLS have fathers with Huge GUNS who will kill you. Even WORSE, if i wouldnt of caught you and some FBI agent would of caught you. Your Door probably would of been kicked in... jesus CHRIST. People need to think now days...
Run by Dancin fks!
This piece of Sht Is a Racist, Nonsense. 1st time I saw IT. It was a DARK avartar... i mean Super Dark... and calling people the NBomb. Just like NGGrs-SUK
Now look at this... just because i was a Girl... i got a RANDOM message like this... wow... FETISH much!? on lil GIRLS.... wowsers... if i was a girl i'd be fuckin scared this mofo would try to come to my house... wow...
Then When i TOLD him i was putting him on blast he sent another message Subject: "me again" wow. I mean intentional PERVS! WTF is going on this Summer?? its fkin Hot... and i can't deal with it. All i do is get online and this Crap happens... Seriously HATERS!. if you do not believe me. Turn into a FEMALE avatar. betcha cant last for 10 mins. you will Have RUN BY ADDS, RANDOM MESSAGES... ETC!!
I didn't catch the other girl BUT...
And SoSe proj is also cleaning UP THE SWITCHERWOOS. IM tired of Switches giving us a bad name because its "fun" to them. We dont get on here and flirt with NOBODY!.... switchers come on home and they turn into a girl. Talk dirty. then get on the mic at there apartment on some gay stuff talking to the guy... Then they call it fun... thats LAME!!
This is what WE DO NOW...
if you want to Text fight us... nah come on the mic. No more text nothing... w record it and put it on youtube... see who ACTUALLY WINS!!