The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Mastermind
Where should I begind. Let's see you go by various names. So...Trevor/Courtney/Ice/Snow/Candy this is all for you. Let me see you were a cool guy/girl at first..We could talk and just have fun and it was comfortable and you could always make me laugh..but then we started dating it started out fine..we I guess were one of the cutest couples around (when you were Ice) but here's when it went bad..We started to find out more and more about each other...and I realised you were a complete deuch and still are. One you used to let me tell you anything and be there for me. Now I can only say shit that's right in your mind..if it doesn't please you or is something I need to comfort on you shrug it off and make me feel like a complete waste of space..all because you didn't wanna fucking hear it. Well let me say this..what about all those times I stayed up all night and multiple times in a fucking row just so you'd be happy..then i just need you to give me a simple fucking hug and you push me off like I'm just dirt on your shoulder. Lets see you know about my did something that triggered it one night..and when I said I needed time to get it off my fucking mind you said you wouldn't push yet asked me over and over when I'd be fucking ready again then acted like my relapse was fake and I just wasn't interested in having sex or even talking about it..well let me say this. I fucking HATE when that subject comes up. You saw how I was when Cloud and Zenolith came around you just sat there like a fucking pussy and let them say I deserved to be raped that I liked every second of it..etc.. Then Deja points out you failed on being the boyfriend you say you are and you run away like a little bitch and get mad at me for agreeing with her. Who the fuck stands there and lets their girlfriend get attacked like that?!?! Well let me see..recently you've been going through i don't even want to call it bipolar cause now that i think about it i see it as a fucking joke. So you told me about a month or so ago you were going through a bipolar cycle i tried my fucking hardest to do the things that make it better. What do you do? You call me a cheating bitch and a liar. HA! For a whole mother fucking month you made me feel like a bitch cause i couldn't help you. So finally I had enough and ended this shitty fucking relationship to move on with my life. You know I bawled my eyes out for hours. I acted fine around friends and family. The truth was I didn't want to end it I hoped it would all settle and go back to the way we were. Then what do you know. I finally get the courage to turn my phone back on. You left me two texts saying you were planning to dump me a month ago but wanted to wait..then that this "cycle" ended less than a week after it started and that this friend of yours Kayla has been living with you the whole fucking time and that you cheated on me..but still didn't want to break up with me while i was going through a bad time. So you fucking cheat?! HA! You're a fucking pathetic loser. I hope she works out for you. You made me lose friends a whole lot of em who didn't deserve what they went through because of you. You turned me into someone I didn't even know. It's so bad that it's going to take me a long time to truely find myself again. You know you're a waste of life. You used my depression against me too. Recently i just found out my mom was being abused by my father who is now not here anymore. I texted you that morning scared and didn't know what to do. You just told me that it was nothing, you were used to it and that it would all be over soon. FUCK YOU! My mom is now been off and on in the ER so thank you for saying she'd be fine and get over it. once again FUCK YOU. You deserve to burn in hell. Hell you even acted like a punk bitch because I was raped and certain things would trigger my relapses and when I said I couldn't you were nice at first but kept pushing me...that's wrong. You also went against my morals..if you were who you said you wouldn't even consider crossing them..knowing what pain it causes. You're a useless bastard. I truely hope that you don't return to PSN or even Sose but if you do I wish you the fucking best of luck. You'll need it. So whatever I'm done here. I have more to say but I've said enough. SO Trevor fuck you and fuck your little fake life.