'PfffT-MM™...First off Kidcarr77 aka Hotchic2

7..first off all. i was chillin minding my bizzness bowling with my homie Ricky and this broad or should i say man kuz it is a man. she got a lil smart because i wasnt joining the bowling game fast enough. i said calm down. and like a gay sassy man. she had to say something smart. so we went back and fourth. i told this person to take it to the mic.. like a boy.. he said "i aint got no mic" i said " kuz u a guy". and we went back and fourth and i walked away kuz i warned him i was gonna blog him. so then the next day we all went shopping me ricky and Cj saw the boy again. so i said oh Boy its the boy. he ran away. then today i got these messages from his other account hotchic27. basically saying how much better than me and this her picture.... number 1. u stole da dam pic off myspace number 2 the Quality is horrible and the gurl dont look like she play games dum dum. u stole this off some one my space dont


WeLL in other news i cam across the funniest thing well ladies and Gentlemen i present a FAKE ASS BOWWOW! like r u kiddin me. ur bow wow and ur on home. and the funny thing was Bowwow didnt remeber nun of his latest songs. First off me and my Homie monterz aka the Gift was chillin in the plaza. Dude name was "Cougerpride2012". he claimed he had a million followers and was bragging about myspaces that wasnt even his. saying he

bowwow and he on tour. he said he dont have a mic or a ps eye. only a myspace and twiter... ok. i said ok put my name in ya latest twitter update he said he couldnt get on the computer. If your bowwow you should have allll that. then he tells me to call this number and some lil soft bitch made nigga answered. i laffed and hung up. Bowwow my ass. and sure your on tour and u dont have a simple blu tooth.... smh u lie!

LOL and more. so me and M&M was Coolin in the plaza and some guy who was 18 and magically turned 13 wanted to have an orgasm. so with a little "tell me what u wana do" and "Tell me more" he came spitting out all the nastiest things u would neva tought a little 13 year old would say. At first he told us he was 18 and when i told him i was 13 he shrunk down to 13. yay my lucky day huh. wow smh once again little home internet liers. so sad.

Shout out to all my PPlz who was there to whitness this craziieness with me plenty more to come this was only the start of the beg