First off...Excuse the theme what can I say my ps3 gotta be Cute too! So I turned on my ps3 after some footage and this show on MTV. and behold! Bow Wow is back talking bout he on justin.tv.com. Ok first off justin.tv.com is a site were ppl talk about random stuff, and yea i didnt see anything latley about Bow Wow, and also he said he took that from a webcam. Obviously thats a poparazzii pic. even before i told him i was gona expose him and i told him again right before i wrote this. he insist on proving he Bow Wow. If you Bow Wow take a pic and say told ya Razy then ill belive it. Pffft! Why do people lie for no reason? Its sad when you dont like the way God made you. Accept the fact your a lier and your NOT BOW WOW!