The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New Video, New SoSe Song....
This is a movie thats going to be done soon. It's a Music video for youtube. The real version will be out Soon.
This is The song we are doing the music video for... LOL Stupid... but Funny, YET TRUE!.... LOL! i do wan't to be left alone...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I got nothing to Do with Apz...
Funny, Well Lol I came across this lame... on home. He's being worked on by someone else. I pretty much want to introduce him
lame alert:
The Bench Crew are some cool people. you got
ice princess
the french guy
Those i forgot.... The bench crew know who they are...
They are just the kids who sit on the bench,or stand on it and hang around all day in central plaza. Well long story short, Crims hangs out with them and some lame named Ghettokeller just sits there and talks crap to them for no reason because he's not excepted into hanging out with them. Apparently he's from the UK because he keeps talking about politics and how america is a weak country (my first thought is, if thats so go back to your own server???) what i don't understand is how are you going to sit for 2 hours and tell people you're better than them... when, you are alone, by yourself... ranting.... noone is listening. How are you better?? explain this lameness to me? you're better than everyone but you're standing there just talking and hating on kids who sit on a bench on HOME. LOL why because you can't sit with them? lol.
When nerds want revenge....
lol, Well i don't know who he is. Well didnt recognize him he said he knew me and Avii... well Avii shows up on home and she see's him. It took her 15 mins then she said "ohhhh yeaaaa this that lame we made CRY!!" "Crying emo Ass" CEA! woowwwwww i don't remember and still don't o well. This guy bugged me to join his club and be nice. We owned him again and sent him packing his lame bags. I dissapeared on him and when i came back he was gone.... good ridence... LOL
i know my blogs are gettin dry. Theirs a Reason, Lol im bored with it. i Want to WATCH NOW. kelli, Crims, nikki are comming to save the day untill i bring some funny shit back to this blog. Lisa is resting her funny bones.
No apologiez is rated U!??
Camera man = Lil' Candõ.... Shout out to Lil' Candõ he held that camera steady!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Lil Cando's Message to no Apologiez
Avii's bf by the way...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Nikki's Nikki
PSN: JamesBond1972
Status: unblockalame of massive proportions
(fyi im only 20 and he is aware!)
…..The story its start out as the typical hello, where are you from convo then exchange of names so on so forth, Then he is following me around servers but standing away from me just watching….CREEPPPPPPPYYYY. yes, even in the game, I was freakin. Then messaging me with, Nicole why aren’t you talking to me Nicole”(note my name 2x) like 5x in a row.
It progressed into. “I need to talk to you nicole” so I go to his studio and he proceeds to tell me how he is a girl on his other psn and blah blah blah.
Just general lameness, Then today he needed to speak to me desperately and then we go to his studio and he tells me when he is stressed, he likes to masterbate himself. Then asks if that’s okay if he does it over the mic so for shizz and giggles I say yes…he moaned and all that stuff while asking me normal questions like how old are you. He also asked if I loved him lol I have spent maybe a total of 20 mins talking to him over a 4 month period.
So long story short, we are psdating for RUBs pure enjoyment. Oh yeah and he asked if we could meet in rl! There should be more to come…. Rubs plus video camera equals bad news for lameos!
Full version :
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I thought it would be the day i'd never see myself, Deja and Jasmine n 1 server without a fight or an argument. I guess days have changed.
Yes so i was 100% right about this dood, he's 1 of those people or GUYS who just wants a dumb bitch about. We were conversating, He told me what he does. he's a "computer tech" but when i asked him the specs of his personal computer he rambled about how he works with servers and that he asked witch computer would i be talking about. I told him to just tell me 1 stupid server... he wouldn't, he kept refusing. It Got to a point where he wouldn't explaing it cause he assumed " i wouldn't understand". Please, ice does so much computer crap i've picked up. So yea I assumed he was lying. I started iggnoring him cause i knew what was going to happen. I was going to get deleted soon enough for not being a dumb bitch like he wants. So yea. I left to RE lot, Cause he could not tell me what type of server, computer, hardware, GPU, CPU, Ram, Operating system, Not to mention he told me to look up his stupid webpage and i did, Witch was a poor Excuse for a professional website...
you be the judge:
when i asked him if that was his site his answer was plainly retarded "oh no thats where i host my HTML" last time i checked Tripod or Angelfire doesn't "host" htlm they let you apply html and files to make a tamplet webpage.... smh..
This is 1 of the most...funniest things i've ever seen. HE was talkin trash to his burnt homeboy cleo, about me. When i asked him to say it to me he says "im not even talkin to you about u" The HELL!?? OK so since when can you talk about someone and not be talking to them. And it would be OK? wow people on home are just officially DUMB. i continued to get my beetles in the RE Lot and i kept paying attention to my friends list. Sure enough this lame deleted me again, Cause he's looking for dumb bitches on home to fall for his lies.
look out for Dconcepts he's a loser, and a liar! 1 for the simple fact that, When kelli showed him no play he moved on to try and talk to me. when i showed him no play. He did it again. I told him to Add me, im not adding him because he deleted me. Whats the point, i asked him to prove it to me. He added me. Day later because i wasnt with his program. He deleted me.... lol
Monday, April 20, 2009
The blog goes on...
I have been on my new account since monday. I get my account back in the afternoon. His name is concepts...we meet em in central plaza he was flirtin with kelli'z while she was a ugly avatar. He was really flirting hard. She changed back into her regular sexi avatar and he says "see i knew u were sexy" lol... well he asked kellz to take us to his crib... so we go... and ... yea...
Pretend to smoke weed much!?
anyway i payed attention he was supposed to be talking to kelli. But he started sending me messages.... Plus hitting on me. I was drunk last night he came to talk to me he saw me with my friends and he instantly started to drift off to find a diff chick... lol THIS SHOULD BE FUN!!!
yea this is me and kelli at this apartment... more weed (it is 4:20... happy 4:20)
anyway i got more for the blog, Later later on this guy let me get my account back and finish em up.
Nicole officially named us RUB (rated unblockable bitches)
We are now known as RUB the females of Rated U yay!
Ice princess
im proud to be a RUB! thanx nikki!
Rated U responds To No apologiez.
My family Responds to Apz video... im done with it. Rated U is not.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
omg LOL this nikka 106lbs skinny ass nikka!
The second video was flagged by Natural and members of rated u. But it was a video of sikwitit holding a knife saying "fuck sose, Fuck devine, i'll slap all you bitches its whatever,ya'll bitches aint shit fuck unblockables." then toward the end Apz brings out his airsoft paintball gun like its a real Assault rifle.
Fkin SAD!
The Funny thing about Kellz
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
My Brother Responding to the "fuck unblockables"
Thursday, April 16, 2009
SoSe is banned: Red and Blue
and the Blue Gang.
What can i say besides LOL, I'm aware guys. I heard about some of you running your font. You know who you are... matter fact i thought you was cool (ahmmmm ANT!) Others, just want my attention and i don't even know them. LOL LAME (ahmmmmm FLIPSTAR!) You aint worth a sentence on this blog. Matter fact flip since you want to be bloged so bad here you go pal,
Lame kid who PsDates JasmineAngel, Lives in the bay and PScheats on jasmine with random chicks. how i know? don't ask SoSe knows all.
Thats all you get flip, Next.
Ok so i got banned this week and my account is back on this monday. I Was going to just calm down. I turned my back for a little bit and i Noticed that these lame asses started 2 gangs while i was away. They tried to talk shit to kelli witch did not work. Face it children. She had physical evidence and pics. Its not Fraud, she didnt photo shop it, It's Raw. Apolo YOU ARE LAME AND UGLY. Just accept that.I spent my time going after sikiwittiT Secretly. I changed my Mind for the simple fact that i know he's a coward. So I got Devine on a video i recorded it had my brother edit it and now i just want the world to know about these red and blue guys and What we think of you. So here it goes. We aren't showing you guys anymore attention after this video, you guys are Done. Lame, you can't redeem yourselfs so stop.
Shark this to you. I sose have no issues with you what-so-ever. But I am very dissapointed you really hang with btchazzness... Hope you see that Apolo aint a real friend, just how he snaked me and kelli.
For the Record... When i get back to Pshome this monday DO NOT EXECPT ME to beef with Red and blue. That is lame beyond lame...
If you're going to diss Rated U, Then say FK rated U and not Fk UNBLOCKABLES! You can't Say fk something that you can't stop
Unblockable = anything that cannot be Stoped or BLOCKED!
Monday, April 13, 2009
And you DON"T CARE?? Hmmmmm (by kelli)

Rated U
Wendy's video of Rated U:
"What will happen if the world is rampid of Unblockables..."
Sunday, April 12, 2009
And you thought it would never happen...(by kelli)
I meet this dude thru some friends, and all I can say is wow. Within 5 seconds of dancing with him he was sending me messages about his whole life story. Come to find out dude is 40 years old and is ps dating anything with a puzzy and a pulse. He said he was going to send me a picture of him self, claimed that he looked about 30. Well to his defense, he does, however you said you'd send me A PICTURE, but I recieved 12 of them from this dude. Each one more random than the next. Then i get a follow up message that says "I hope you like what you see. I have naughty ones if you are interested!" NO thank you! I think I'll pass. So I send him a curtisy picture of me, and for the next week I get messages from him everyday. He follows me around on the server and begs me to come to his Harbor Studio with him. Then he breaks out the wacko on me. He says he needs to talk, he's upset and that he would like to talk with me. So I allow him to take me to his studio where he goes on this 2hr conversation on how he broke up with his PS girlfriend because she quote "Accused me of cheating on her because I went on a date in real life" WOW!! So then he tells me how they were together for 4 months and that he didn't believe that she was 20, that infact he believes she is 16. So he INSISTS on sending me her picture. WOW, this chick...WOW. that is all I can and will say. And yes I believe she was 16, and dude, if she is, your 40. Can you say PERV?? Then he continues to tell me how much he likes me, and how he is glad he found a girl like me. Then comes off with this:

I have another story that I would LOVE to post, and I wish I could. But it has me torn, so I will just tease you with it for now. If something progresses and I feel as if I can post it, I will. But as of now, imma keep this one to myself.
realguna and dmoney
I know this is late, but I can't not say it.WOW guys! The MINUTE that sose turned lose on you guys and let you know that you were just a number in the game, you turned to me. Thinking well I'll have Kellz. WoW!! Did you to really think that her BFF would do that? Come on now! I'm in the game to boys!
No ApologiezWhat can I say.....This situation has caused so much drama. I will start from the begining....
I started hanging with Apz. Talked with him a few times, and he began coming around ALOT more. I told Sose from the getgo that he was a target. So I made him believe I was into him and within 3 days of him following me around he approched me in the bowling alley.....

Then on April Foolz day I get a message from Apz, which made me laugh but I went with it because I wasn't done my "project" The message stated..... Kellz your mad cool and sxy and all, but i'm just not ready for a relationship right now. Your mad cool.
So I continued to be his friend. Hung out with him and his crew, even got into fights with Sose, and I apologize to her about this, but i did it to get reaction out of her, to get more reaction out of him and it worked. He began sending her messages, stating that he STOLE her best friend from her. That he could have all her friends. The whole time I'm sitting back laughing because I caused it all and was loving it. He would pull me into chats just to talk about how much of a bytch Sose was, but in all reality I knew it was just because he was mad he couldn't get to her. It killed him that Sose NEVER backed down from him.
Apz, didn't you find it odd, that even after Sose and I got into HUGE fights, her and I were together the NEXT FKING DAY! DUH dumbazz. And another thing babe, You are NOTHING to look at. NO ONE is envious and have you EVER heard of WAX?? Babe, those eyebrows have their own specices of fungi growin in em. WAX them catepillars!!
Sikwitit it
WOW......This dude..... Apz you need to check your cuzzin. The MINUTE that Apz sent me the "breakup" message, this dude was ALL over me. Sendin me pics, sayin the things he'd do to me. WOW. I have to say, and I didn't think it would be true, but this nikka is more of a lame than his cuzzin. Both these dudes should just turn off the PS and not look back.
Well babes, this is all I got for now. I got a few potentials in my reserve right now, so I will update you when i get more "dirt"
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Where are you from?
What is your name?
How old are you?
What do you do for fun?
If i get lucky i mite get a "hey how are you doing" even maybe a lil "hey ma" or "whats good wit it" I even saw an idiot say "was hapinin", rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright...
My all time favorites have got to be the Hispanics. Because the go into my profile and see "boricua princesa" they gotta seem all erotic with it by flirting in spanish. So i Shut them down in English.
What is it with these lames. Its the same Dry boring Home. Where are the interesting Guys that thing they got "swag" or "talent". Maybe its just me, Maybe i keep flashing on people before they get 2 sentences out? Yea BECAUSE IM TIRED OF PEOPLE ASKING MY "HELLO, WHERE ARE U FROM!" OMFG it ANNOYS ME!!!
For the next couple of Days Im going to try something new. Try not to flash on people answer all their stupid questions and get on with it. But i swear to god. i Get 1 idiot who wants to go in private and mic chat or cam chat. I'm going off on them.
Inside problems.
Rated U on the Ps3 side has too many issues. I've decided to find more dedicated folk who have less time BS'n on Home with their personal problems...If you take this sentence hard. Then I'M TALKING TO YOU! YOU'RE GUILTY!
I've met some pretty cool chica's out there who look like they could help me out:
Who is thoro at her speech. She will let you know in a heart beat how she feels about you. I like that. for the simple fact that She's loyal to me and a good loyal friend. She'll let me know she don't like someone and that they are a threat to her and me.
Skeptical about her but she's pretty much a Spectator. I believe because she doesn't have a keyboard but she played some parts for me and she came threw. She's pretty cool. Tho im still wondering if dmoney has something with her being around me. I have no idea but its all good.
Ice princess,
Another female figure who has some cool qaulities. Same thing applies like tiana, she will speak he mind and will not fail to put a lame on blast when prompt. She see's the losers as they come and go. Pretty popular chick i mite add. I mean as popular as i used to be before i cussed out everyone and got rid of my old friends...
Crims hangs out with her. don't know much about he but he keeps saying she's cool. I heard some joke about her flirting with guys inviting them to the apartment but closing then entrance to the stairs. Droping arcades on their heads and they can't really get no where besides run in a circle. THATS YOUTUBEABLE!!! LOL!
Young Cave....
nuff typed...
Keep it up you fat piece of ----. And i will Own you not only verbally, but Visually just like i did .... (you know what im not going to even say his name because he thinks i think about him, you KNOW WHO U ARE! you and you're lame --- Cousin!) Tony is the most lamiest person with a playstation 3 i've ever met. He sent me a message asking me if i had a bf, then saying if i didn't have a Bf that he would love me for the rest of my life if i let him. When i told him yes. He said "you bf is a lucky man i would do anything to have you" (dies laughing) Tony went from that to,
"Lets play burnout to tekken and smackdown if i win you got to give me pics". Then from there i win in smackdown, he goes saying "Get on the mic" "im not playing till you use mic" so i got on home cursed him out on the mic. He then begs for more pix. I sent him more. From there on in, it went to hell. I heard countless people saying that tony was telling people my pics where fake, blah blah blah. CJ came and told me. Kelli, and Crims. I got fed up. I Deleted Fat boy. It didnt stop from there. Fatty reads my blog (i know you see this post loser!) he came at me about Young Cave being noted. I told him off. Prior to all this, Right when i deleted him. He sent me 2 messages FULL charactors Used. The basics of it was "i'm going to miss you lisa its something about you i just love and i enjoyed knowing you. etc etc etc" you get the point... I take it TonyDaGr8 is a Stalker. Sad because he has nothing better to do with himself but to worry about what im doing. I mean, he reads my blog (not on a fan basis but on wondering whats going on with me) He finds me on Home constantly and worst yet tells people about me and passes my pics around. It was fine untill he started passing my pic around saying i was fake. i had NO ISSUES what so ever with him. "Something isn't right with lisa" shouldn't of never have made that mistake maybe we could of still been friends.
I NEED A TARGET!! I stoped playing video games recently. Its been homework and my Neph.
Going out and doing random stuff for my brother and my house hold.
Speaking of Games I need a new game. Or im stuck playing little big planet. I have resistance retribution for psp but i haven't started it yet. 360 our newiest game is still resident evil 5. i really don't want a new 360 game, i Don't enjoy playing with my brothers friends on xbox live. I wan't to play with some of my ps3 friends in some games. Witch i really should get RE5 for ps3 but wendy says its only 720p. Besides wendy is back and she said she's playing xbox 360 alot more now. Sigh, i guess im only excited for littlebigplanet portable and it comes out in December (boooooooooooo)
The game line up for the summer is ugly. The games we are getting or maybe:
Fight night round 4 (xbox)
Guitar hero metalica (we MITE!, Xbox)
InFamous (just saw it looks good!, Ps3)
UT3 (have it for xbox, gettin it for ps3)
RE5 (have it for xbox, gettin it for ps3)
Punch out (wii )
UFC (maybe xbox or ps3)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Yea well I had 1 week break planed but it ended up being Longer. I stoped getting on home less and less. I went out more. I came online at night for about a good 2 to 3 hours and that was about it. When i officially returned to being a hermit and picking my ps3 controller back up. I promised i would not expose those. They pushed my Buttons!!!
I meet Lanelle like 2 weeks ago when i 1st quit the blog, And Um. This Kid goes around speaking Spanglish and think it appeals to females. His Spanish is Fail... Its all out of (whats the right word?) in english it would be just jumbled sentence. Put it that way. He then walks around pretending im his girl by sweet talking me. He tends to take Smack to other people when they talk to me like i am his girl, i mean this kid is Grade A lame.
Uzzi i met last night. He would not Stop following me!! so just like Dmoney im going to go ahead and finish him off...
Young Cave
i Met in the mall, all he did was send me messages and ask can he be my friend. Me being nice i accepted it. Ever since then, he follows me around and Just STANDS THERE. its weird... People even noticed it. They asked him, "Hey cave why are you so quiet???" i don't know i guess im going to havta do something about this. I don't like 1 on 1 chats. Not since gunna. Gunna did that and he got attitudes with me about it. I didn't even appreciate it at all.
No Apologiez/SikkwiTt it
I got a video for this case open. And im going to Post it in about an hour. Ok 1st had no problems with apologiez period. Non what so ever, his cousin wanted to PSdate me because of kelli was with apolo. knowing me, i refused. I dont PSdate unless im owning someone undercover and exposing them.Well party, after hang out. sikkwiTt it would not give up. HAHA. So i guess he goes n lies to apolo and they start talkin shhhh to me for no reason. That not i had got into it with avii and i wasn't going to talk no shh back.So i let em talk. Haha!!
well he sent me messages after that talking all kinds of Head saying "blah blah blah i took yo best friend blah blah blah"Then after all that. Today i go see sharkcity to talk about svr, he accuses me of following him around. LOL thats funny. The best part is... he ADDED ME! while he was talkin sht.... Contradicting much?? my video: